Church Planting

"God isn't looking for people of great faith,

but for individuals ready to follow Him"

— Hudson Taylor

Bits of Wisdom

The Importance of Church Planting Missionaries

Ministry127 Contributor: Dr. Rick Martin, Missionary to the Philippines (1977)

Missionaries Need to Have a Long-Term Plan to Start Churches

Ministry127 Contributor: Dr. Rick Martin, Missionary to the Philippines (1977)

Before You Start a Church

Ministry127 Contributor: Luis Montano, Missionary to Mexico (2009)

Digging Deeper

Indigenous Churches: The Biblical Goal of Missions

by Bob C. Green

Ephesians: Foundational Truths for Church Planters

by David Snyder

Starting a Church on the Mission Field

by Dr. Rick Martin, Missionary to the Philippines (1977)

Church Planting Partners

Baptist Church Planting Ministry - Jeremy Rowland

  • This ministry of Church planting has partnered with churches all across the United States and in many foreign countries to help start over 120 Baptist churches to the glory of God.
  • Church Planting Training Course

Jehovah-Jireh Ministries

  • We are a ministry seeking to help plant churches world-wide by directing funds donated by individuals and churches to help newly started independent, fundamental, separated, soul-winning Baptist churches "get off the ground."