Basic Bible Principles / Doctrine / Discipleship

Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God.

A.W. Tozer

Why Methods and Doctrine Are Inseparably Joined

By: Dr. Bud Calvert - Ministry127 contributor

Digging Deeper

The Training of the Twelve

By: A.B. Bruce

Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity

By: David Cloud

Discipleship Programs - Basic Bible Principles and Doctrine

Christian Growth from A - Z: A Practical Discipleship Manual for New and Growing Christians

  • Uses a less conservative Dress Standard for Women.

ABC's of Christian Growth

  • Requires the student to find the answers from the Word of God.
  • Available in several foreign languages / CD-ROM or Internet Download
  • Advanced Discipleship Program / Bible Institute Curriculum / Doctrinal Booklets

Established in the Faith

By: Keith Piper, Liberty Baptist Church, Australia

  • Basic Bible Studies for All Christians


By: Keith Piper, Liberty Baptist Church, Australia

  • Covers just about any question a person would have about the Christian life, Bible Doctrine, Apologetics, etc. It's like a one-stop resource.