Safety Regulations
SAFETY REGULATIONS on the Day of Congress
SAFETY REGULATIONS on the Day of Congress
*Students are encouraged to take photographs of their experiments to post on their display boards rather than bring materials that may be deemed unsafe to display on the day of congress.
*All projects at the congress are subject to on-site inspection and review by the LISC, Inc. Safety and Compliance Committee. The Long Island Science Congress, Inc. Safety and Compliance Committee reserves the right to bar entrants from displaying their materials if they are deemed unsafe for the entrants or the public in any way.
The following are STRICTLY PROHIBITED:
- Liquids other than bottled water are not allowed in the student center where projects are displayed!
- ALL parts of project display must fit within the 36 inches of table space provided!
- ALL microorganisms, especially pathogenic or unidentified microorganisms
- Electric shock hazards including extension cords
- High intensity light sources, including lasers and strobes
- Any flames (no flames are allowed)
- Any flammable materials
- Potentially explosive chemical combinations
- ALL chemicals, especially toxic or corrosive chemicals
- Human blood or blood products
- Vertebrate animals
- Any potentially harmful organisms
- Unsafe equipment, apparatus and/or substances
- Project of excessive weight and/or size
- Portion of project usurping floor space