Offline Use

Installing the StatKey App

StatKey was designed to be accessed via the internet; however, there may be times when this is not possible or desired.  In order to use StatKey offline, you must install a copy of the Google Chrome browser on your computer.  Using Chrome, navigate to the StatKey homepage, and click the "Add to Chrome" button.  Chrome will then prompt you to add StatKey; choose Add.  This will install the StatKey App and allow you to use StatKey when there is no internet connection.

Opening the StatKey App

Once the StatKey App has been installed, it can be run using the following steps:

Updating StatKey

The StatKey App will automatically check for and download updates.  Therefore, there is no user intervention needed to keep the StatKey App up to date.  Please note that the StatKey App may, at times, be a slightly older version of StatKey than that found on the Lock5Stat website.