Getting Data into StatKey

Each of the StatKey apps (except the statistics "tables") has built-in datasets chosen from examples and exercises in Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data.   These are available from a drop down menu directly below the main StatKey button.

However, you can also add your own data to analyze with any of these procedures by clicking in the "Edit Data" button or using "Upload File" to read in a .csv or .txt file. 

Depending on the procedure you may have several options for specifying your own data:

Raw data in "Edit Data"  should be in a single column or two columns that are separated by either commas or tabs.  This happens automatically when copying from many spreadsheets and statistics packages. 

Use the check boxes at the bottom of the data editor to indicate whether or not your data column(s)  has(have)  a header value at the top that names the variable,  has an initial column that gives identifying information (like names for each case), or has some other feature that needs to be specified for that procedure. 

Once your data looks right in the window, click OK and check the summary statistics and graph to be sure StatKey has interpreted your data properly.   If not, you can click the "Edit Data" button again and adjust values or settings. 

The new dataset will have the name "Custom Data". 

Take care with data involving a relationship (like comparing means between two groups or linear regression) that you match the roles for each column (e.g., explanatory variable, response variable)

At this time there is no feature in StatKey to allow you to save data from within StatKey itself, but you can always save in another environment (like a spreadsheet) and recopy to StatKey for a later analysis.