Beginning of the Year FAQ's

Post date: Aug 01, 2012 8:12:8 PM

There are a couple things that will be coming out in the newsletter that people have been asking about.

1 - When do I pay Student fees? Student fee statements will go out the end of August, early September, so please don't worry about paying fees yet. Fees can not be determined until student schedules are done, and there are still changes being made.

2 - When can we get out student schedules? It is practice at LMCMS to hand out student schedules on the student's first day of school. New this year, students will receive their schedules in advisory after the beginning of the year assembly. Everyone will be given plenty of time to find their classes, lockers, and practice opening their lockers.

3 - Will we get student schedules at the ice cream social? Student schedules will NOT be handed out during the ice cream social. The building is open for tours to familiarize yourself with LMCMS, meet our new principal, and make some new friends, but schedules will not be available.

4 - When is the first dance? LMCMS holds student socials once a quarter, with the first one being August 31st. Socials consist of having a DJ, open gym, and video games for students. The only school dance is for the 8th grade at the end of the year.

Feel free to call the school at 832-5400 or contact Laura Leonard, our Parent Involvement Facilitator at with other questions!