
Questions to ask to gauge parental involvement

via the VLN and a Google Doc we have put together some questions to ask parents about their ICT use at home.

Over-arching question will depend on what you aiming to achieve?

(e.g. I want to have most parents commenting on a blog and discussing the learning with their students; I want the parents to read it regularly.)

...then the questions will aim to find out how close you are to that goal......

Tip: closed questions/tick boxes are more likely to get parents’ responses. You can add open questions afterwards:-)

  • Do you have a working computer in your home?
  • Do you use a web-capable mobile phone? OR What types opf technoloogy tools do you use? Mobile/laptop/PC etc.....
  • Do you have internet on in your home?
  • How fast is the internet if you do have it? - a continuum maybe
  • Are you able to connect to your child’s class using the internet? Do they have a class portal?
  • What tools does your child’s class use?

Blogs wikis podcast Google Live@Edu KnowledgeNet, Ultranet, MyPortfolio, Moodle other?

  • How often do you check out the things your child is doing online at school?

Never, once a month, once a week, all the time

  • How do you find when new content is added to the blog/wiki or whatever?

Just look at it, get an email, via Facebook,

  • Do you leave comments/feedback on line for the class?
  • If you don’t what stops you from doing this? OR If you do, why do you post?
  • What sort of comments do you leave for your child’s class?
  • What would you like to be more informed about about your child’s on line learning?
  • What do you use to connect with other people on line
  • How would you like to connect with your child’s class on line?
  • What would you like more of?
  • What what you like less of?
  • How can we help you ‘making contact’ with the school a worthwhile and effective experience?
  • How can we help you learn how to use technology confidently and effectively? [This sounds like they can’t already...] OR What support would you like to develop your knowledge of technology further?
  • How aware are you of digital citizenship and cybersafe practices at home?

Here is a link to the Google Doc so you can sure further questions if you think of more.