
LMU Munich:

Munich Graduate School of Economics (PhD Program):

Firm Heterogeneity in Global Markets, lecturer, PhD course- Munich Graduate School of Economics (with Carsten Eckel)

[Syllabus] [Slides and Problem Sets] Fall 2018, [Syllabus] [Slides and Problem Sets] Fall 2016, [Syllabus] [Slides and Problem Sets] Fall 2014, [Syllabus] [Slides] Fall 2013

Master of Science and/or Master in Quantitative Economics:

Frontiers in International Trade, lecturer (with Carsten Eckel)

[Syllabus] [Slides and Problem Sets] Fall 2021, Fall 2022

Firms in Global Markets, lecturer, (with Carsten Eckel)

[Syllabus] [Slides and Problem Sets] Fall 2020

Frontiers in International Trade, lecturer, (with Gabriel Felbermayr)

[Syllabus] [Slides and Problem Sets] Fall 2015, [Syllabus] [Slides and Problem Sets] Fall 2014

Bachelor in Economics:

International Economics, lecturer

[Syllabus] [Slides] Fall 2019, [Syllabus] [Slides] Fall 2018

Student seminar: Innovation and Product Quality in International Trade, lecturer

[Seminar Description] [READING LIST] Summer 2016, Summer 2019

Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen IWB, tutorials (with Carsten Eckel)

[Syllabus] Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Summer 2016

University of Mannheim:

Introduction to Micro and Macroeconomics, undergraduate (teaching assistant)

[Syllabus] 2011/12

Advanced Microeconomics I, Master and PhD program (teaching assistant)

Center for Doctoral Studies in Economics - CDSE

[Syllabus] Fall 2010

Advanced Microeconomics I, PhD program (teaching assistant)

Center for Doctoral Studies in Economics - CDSE

[Syllabus] Fall 2009