Available One on One Slots

Post date: Jun 03, 2014 2:25:44 PM

If interested in having one of our final one on one slots, please go to the link below. We are utilizing an online sign up system this year that will reserve slots on a first come first served basis - please note that each of you may sign up for only ONE total slot for the entirety of the workshop, not one slot with each discussant, so please choose which discussant you feel best aligns with your research interests. Also note that Ajay's sessions take place in the evenings after the workshop has concluded for the day at the Starbucks on Virginia Avenue and will last 30 minutes each, while Jeff, Joe, and Scott's sessions run during the days in the primary workshop building and last for 45 minutes each, starting on the hour.


You do not need to include your email address when you sign up - simply click the green "sign up" button next to your desired time slot, then the big blue "submit and sign up" button at the bottom to input your name on

the next screen; you do not need to register with the site or provide your email address (please do make sure your name matches the name you registered for the workshop with). If for some reason you need to cancel your slot, please send me an email and I will cancel it for you. If all slots are full send me an email and I will create a waitlist in case of cancellations - that waitlist will be first come first served based on the timestamp of the email (zred222@uky.edu).

The four discussants this year (with links to their bios)


Ajay Mehra -


Jeff Johnson - http://www.ecu.edu/cs-cas/soci/jeffrey-johnson.cfm

Joe Labianca -


Scott Soltis -

