Six Seasons x Instrumentation Lab (Innovative use of instruments - from a whale acoustic lab to a concert hall - in Lei Liang's "Six Seasons" inspired by the Arctic Ocean.) 11'21"
Six Seasons x Marco Fusi 7'42"
Hearing Landscapes 8'41"
Against Piano 9'23"
Trans ("Getting Stoned: Listening as an Active Participant", Steven Schick, Ojai Music Festival) 11'25"
Luminous (Chamber Concerto for Contrabass, Mark Dresser, Steven Schick) 24'08"
2021 Grawemeyer Award Acceptance Speech
Deriving Worlds (documentary short on the creation of Lei Liang's Hearing Landscapes by Keita Funakawa) 18'43"
Tremors of a Memory Chord (記憶的弦動, piano and grand Chinese orchestra) 18’04”
Commissioned by The Taipei Chinese Orchestra.
Pi-Hsien Chen, piano solo; Taipei Chinese Orchestra;
En Shao, conductor.