Confluence of A Hundred Streams: Narrating the Soundscapes of Lei Liang, published by Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press, 2020. It consists of two prefaces by, respectively, Liang himself and the editor of the volume, Qin Luo. It consists of commentaries by Chou Wen-chung, Wai-lim Yip, Shulamit Ran, James Chute, Norman Ryan, Kay Kaufman Shelemay, Yayoi Uno Everett, Steven Schick, Aleck Karis, Paul Chihara, Seth Lerer, Falko Kuester, Robert Kirzinger, Wulalji, Hongduo Chen, Daqun Jia, Lixia Ban, and a collection of six essays by Liang, a book-length essay on Liang's life and work written by Lingwei Qiu, a librarian at Harvard University. The book is available here.
Questioning in Music: Collected Essays of Lei Liang and Analysis of His Works, published by Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press, 2017. It consists of two prefaces by, respectively, Chou Wen-chung, the eminent American composer of Chinese heritage, and Li Xi'an, the president of China Conservatory of Music. They are followed by sixteen essays by Liang, seventeen essays on Liang's works written by the editor of the volume, Lixia Ban, and by Kay Kaufman Shelemay, Yayoi Uno Everett, Nancy Rao, Yan Zheng, and others. The book is available here.
Collected Essays of Chou Wen-chung, edited by Lei Liang, published by Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press, 2013. This volume consists of eighteen essays written by Chou, most of which published in Chinese translation for the first time. It also includes commentaries on Chou, his complete list of work, and a CD. The book is available here.
China and the West - the Birth of a New Music, Contemporary Music Review, 2007, issue edited by Edward Green, co-edited by Lei Liang. It includes essays written by Chou Wen-chung, Edward Green, Peter Chang, Yayoi Uno Everett, Frederick Lau, Nancy Rao, Samson Young and Lei Liang. The Chinese translation of this volume was published by Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press in 2009.
Albertson, Dan. “Lei Liang.” The Living Composers Project, 2009.
Ban, Lixia 班丽霞 主编, 借音乐提问:梁雷音乐文论与作品评析. 上海音乐学院出版社, 2017
–––––– 一位拥抱世界的行者. 人民音乐 2008, no.1 : 40-43.
–––––– 别样的保护与传承--梁雷《色拉西片断》创作始末与音乐分析. 黄钟 2008, no. 3: 126-132.
–––––– 回返歌之源头,让当哭者哭--梁雷萨克斯协奏曲《潇湘》音乐评析. 人民音乐, 2016. no.12.
–––––– 以林泉之心观乐听景--梁雷钢琴独奏曲《月亮飘过来了》山水内景与空间布局. 音乐与表演, 2016. no.4.
–––––– 梁雷"音响笔墨"的创作手法与艺术特征. 中国音乐, 2016. no.3.
–––––– 被质疑的回答--"提问与回答"在梁雷音乐作品中的多重意涵. 洛秦 主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 289-305 (上; 下)
–––––– 邂逅音乐,无问西东--张维良"邂逅"音乐会乐评. 音乐周报, 2023.6.1
Brookes, Stephen. "Shanghai Quartet with pipa superstar Wu Man at the Freer Gallery." Washington Post. Feb 27. 2011
–––––– "Shanghai Quartet proves its power." Washington Post. May 1, 2015
Burwasser, Peter. “Lei Liang’s 'Milou': CD Review.” Fanfare Magazine, 53:1 (Sept/Oct 2011).
Cai, Liangyu 蔡良玉. 遥远深沉的记忆--梁雷钢琴协奏曲《记忆的弦动》述评. 中国音乐学, 2016. no.4.
Chen, Hongduo 陈鸿铎. 一曲充满人性力量的悲歌: 梁雷的协奏曲《潇湘: 为中音萨克斯与管弦乐队而作》评析. 音乐研究, 2016, no.5
Chen, Yi-hsien 陈以轩. 何谓线条--探讨周文中和梁雷"书法音响"的笔墨实践. 星海音乐学院学报, 2021 no.2
Chihara, Paul. Trans. Qingqing Wang. 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 319-323.
Chou, Wen-chung 周文中. 作曲家之培养与中国音乐之前景. 班丽霞主编, 借音乐提问:梁雷音乐文论与作品评析. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2017): 5-9.
Chute, James. “Touched by tragedy at Tiananmen Square, in creating his music, Lei Liang still draws on what he saw.” San Diego Tribune, April 8, 2011.
–––––– “UCSD composer wins prestigious Rome Prize, Lei Liang, a member of the acclaimed composition faculty, is honored.” San Diego Tribune, April 15, 2011
–––––– "Retaking the Stage: What Artists Can Be in Our Society." New Music Box. Dec 12, 2018
–––––– Trans., Yi-hsien Chen. 我们需要梁雷的音乐. 人民音乐, 2019, no.9
da Fonseca-Wollheim, Corrina. "Scorched Silence, Fragile Rebirth, Award-Winning Music: Lei Liang's 'A Thousand Mountains, a Million Streams,' about fragile environments, won the prestigious Grawemeyer Award." New York Times, Dec 13, 2019
Everett, Yayoi Uno. Liner notes for Brush-Stroke. Mode Records 210, 2009.
–––––– Liner notes for Milou. New World Records 80715-2, 2011.
–––––– Liner notes for Bamboo Lights. Bridge Records 9425, 2014.
–––––– "On the Opera Inheritance." Trans. Yi-hsien Chen. 人民音乐, 2019, no.9
Fang, Di 方迪. 想象的声音,还是声音的想象?--借梁雷《五季》提问, 2022
–––––– 《六季》遐想. 爱乐. 2023, no.10: 56-63
Gao, Lianlian 高莲莲. 梁雷音乐的跨文化特征. 班丽霞主编, 借音乐提问:梁雷音乐文论与作品评析. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2017): 213-226.
–––––– Music of Lei Liang. Master's Degree Thesis. University of Hamburg, Germany.
Garzia, Ettore. Trans., Qingqing Wang. 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 306-318.
Godcher Murphy, Sarah. “Q&A with Visiting Artist Lei Liang.” Boston Conservatory at Berklee, 2024, May 7.
Green, Edward. “Lei Liang.” The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2013, vol. 5, pp.122-123.
Hall, Susan. "The Manifestation of Forces: an Interview with Composer Lei Liang." VAN Magazine. Oct 25, 2023. Read the Chinese translation here.
Han, Xingyu 韩星宇. 硕士论文:蒙古族音乐元素在现代音乐创作中的体现及意义. 内蒙古大学, 2010
He, Zhongrun 何中润. 梁雷弦乐四重奏《戈壁赞》分析. 爱乐. 2019, no.9: 123-128
Hong, Zaixin 洪再新. 《千山万水》远在何方?--关于《借音乐提问》的对话。星海音乐学院学报, 2023, no.4, pp.172-184.
Huang, Zongquan 黄宗权. 新晋格文美尔大奖得主梁雷和他的《千山万水》. 音乐生活, 2020 no.5
–––––– 音乐之问 文化汇流--评《百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事》,云南艺术学院学报,2022, No.4 .
Jia, Daqun 贾达群. 梁雷的"表达"及引发的思考. 中央音乐学院学报, 2019 no.3
Karis, Aleck. Trans.., Yi-hsien Chen. 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 328-331.
Kijanowska, Anna. "Revolutionizing the sounds of the piano by 'painting images' of nature in Lei Liang's Garden Eight (1996/2004) and My Windows Suite (1996/2007)." In Perspective on Contemporary Musical Practices: from Research to Creation. Ed. Madalena Soveral. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022, 265-288.
King, Anthony. "Driven by Realities of Climate Change, Composer Lei Liang Receives Classical Music's Top Honor: UC San Diego professor takes his place among the most dynamic, innovative composers in the world." UC San Diego News Center. Dec 2, 2019.
–––––– "Lei Liang Awarded First Research Artist in Residence at UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute: Department of Music professor and composer to focus on integrating art, science and technology in three-year residency." UC San Diego News Center. August 30, 2018.
Kirzinger, Robert. Liner notes for Luminous. New World Records 80781-2, 2016.
–––––– Liner notes for A Thousand Mountains, A Million Streams. BMOP/sound 1061, 2018.
Kuester, Falko. Trans, Qingqing Wang. "M is for Music." 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 335-338
Lerer, Seth. Trans., Qingqing Wang. 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 324-327.
Li, Longfei 李龙飞. 梁雷米勒剧院肖像音乐会后记. 星海音乐学院学报 2017 no.2
Li, Pengcheng 李鹏程. 于无声处听惊雷--《借音乐提问:梁雷音乐文论与作品评析》读后感. 人民音乐, 2018. no.6.
–––––– 追溯《千山万水》之源:读《作曲家梁雷的人文叙事》. 音乐文化研究, 2021. no.1.
Li, Xi’an 李西安, Xie Jiaxing 谢嘉幸 and Lei Liang, 贴近自心的音乐. 人民音乐 2006 no.2: 26-32.
Li, Xi’an 李西安, 没有创新, 就没有音乐的未来. 班丽霞主编, 借音乐提问:梁雷音乐文论与作品评析. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2017): 11-18.
Liang, Qing 梁晴. 一-音-多-声: 梁雷的协奏曲《记忆的弦动-钢琴与民族管弦乐队协奏曲》解析. 音乐艺术: 2017 no.2.
Lin, Xi 林汐. 硕士论文:梁雷室内乐《五季》的创作理念及作曲技法分析. 中国音乐学院.
Luo, Qin 洛秦 主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社, 2020
–––––– 以音响位笔墨的音乐绘画家--为《百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事》作序. 音乐生活, 2020 no.5
Madonna, A.Z. "Composer Lei Liang scores $100,000 award for BMOP commission: 'A Thousand Mountains, A Million Streams", a piece inspired by climate change and the paintings of Huang Binhong, has been awarded the 2020 Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition." Boston Globe, Dec 2, 2019
Medwin, Marc. "Between Self and Sea: Environmental and Sonic Unity in Lei Liang's Six Seasons." Liner Notes. New World Records. 2023
Meng, Wuna 孟巫娜. 梁雷钢琴组曲《我的窗》多元文化特性与演奏诠释. 黄钟 2016, no.3
Molla, Doriana. “Lei Liang: Tremors of a Memory Chord & More Music, Secrets and Stories.” hocTok, Aug 5, 2015.
Oteri, Frank J. "Lei Liang Wins 2020 Grawemeyer Award for Climate Change-Inspired Piece." New Music Box. Dec 2, 2019.
Ou, Chenchen 欧晨琛. 硕士论文:梁雷《五季》分析. 中央音乐学院.
Pasler, Jann. "Inheritance." Liner notes for Inheritance. Albany Records, TROY1819, 2020.
–––––– "Listening to Inheritance, by Lei Liang: A Musical Memory Palace on Gun Violence." 聆听梁雷《温彻斯特》--一个枪支暴力的音乐记忆宫殿. Translated by Yao Lu. 音乐艺术 2020, no.1 : 151-164. Parts I, II, III
Pellegrinelli, Lara. "Hearing History." The Harvard Magazine, Jan-Feb, 2016: 68-70.
–––––– “For composer Lei Liang, Technology Brings a Different Transcendence.” The New York Times, Nov 15, 2016.
Qiu, Lingwei 裘陵维. 桥上的风景--梁雷的音乐人生. 洛秦 主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 80-250
Ran, Shulamit. Trans., Qingqing Wang. 一位引路的作曲家. 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 16-19.
Rao, Nancy Yunhwa 饶韵华. 水墨山水的音景. 音乐艺术 2017 no.2
Roeder, John. Trans. 郑艳. 和声中的声部线条 -- 近期中国四部音乐作品中的声部协作类型. 音乐研究, 2018. no.6
Ryan, Norman. Trans., Qingqing Wang. 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 25-27.
Schick, Steven. "Schoenberg's Handshake." Trans., Qingqing Wang. 人民音乐, 2019, no.9
Shelemay, Kay Kaufman. "The Intercultural Music of Composer Lei Liang." Soundscapes: Exploring Music in a Changing World (Third Edition). New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2015: 387-395.
–––––– "Hearing Landscapes in Motion: Musical Processes of Geographical Imagination in Diaspora." Translated and Ed.Ban Lixia, Jie yinyue tiwen: Lianglei yinyue wenlun yu zuopin pingxi 班丽霞主编, 借音乐提问:梁雷音乐文论与作品评析. Shanghai yinyue xueyuan chubanshe 上海音乐学院出版社 (2017): 5-9.
–––––– "An Ethnomusicologist's View of Lei Liang's Compositions." Trans. Qingqing Wang. 洛秦主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2020): 332-334.
Sheridan, Molly. "Lei Liang – Taking Sound to the Extreme." NewMusicBox (American Music Center), Oct 27, 2010.
Varga, George. "Climate-changed-inspired concerto wins $100,000 award for composer Lei Liang." Los Angeles Times, Dec 3, 2019
–––––– "Composer Lei Liang and Scripps oceanographers take deep dive in Arctic to create game-changing 'Six Seasons'". The San Diego Union Tribune, Oct 9, 2022 中文版
Wang, Anchao 王安潮. 种下梧桐树, 引得凤凰来--评《百川汇流的声景: 作曲家梁雷的人文叙事》. 音乐周报, Feb 1, 2021.
Wang, Wenlan 王文澜. "身必由己"的艺术家--旅美中国作曲家梁雷艺术人生阅读. 中国音乐学, 2022, no.2, 126-129.
Wang, Xinyi 王欣怡. 梁雷弦乐四重奏《戈壁赞》音乐语言研究. 华东师范大学.
Wang, Zhuo 王卓. 山水逶迤 阴阳轮回-- 梁雷管弦乐作品《千山万水》"笔墨"语言研究. 音乐探索. 2024 , no.1, 57-76
Weng, Lei. "Influences of Chinese Traditional Cultures on Chinese Composers in the United States since the 1980s, as Exemplified in Their Piano Works." Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 2008: 58-62.
Wood, Beth. "New chamber opera 'Inheritance' explores grief through the story of Sarah Winchester and her bizarre home." San Diego Union Tribune, Oct 21, 2018
Wu, Lanjie 乌兰杰. 草原的知音. 洛秦 主编, 百川汇流的声景:作曲家梁雷的人文叙事. 上海音乐学院出版社, 2020: 269-275
Xie, Jiaxing 谢嘉幸. 一阵清新的风. 音乐周报, Oct 13, 2000.
Xu, Duo 许多. 从山水画到珊瑚礁: 梁雷的跨学科音乐创作生态群落启示. 音乐艺术, 2019, no.4 (上,下)
Xu, Wenzheng 徐文正. 心灵之窗: 梁雷钢琴组曲《我的窗》评析. 人民音乐, 2012, no.1: 12-15.
–––––– 梁雷的"大音乐"观念及其音乐创作研究. 天津音乐学院学报. 2019, no.3.
Yang, Jie. “Zuoqujia lianglei: zhengde zhonghua wenhua de zihaogan.” 挣得中国文化的自豪感 Epoch Times, Jan, 2010.
Yip, Wai-lim. 葉維廉.《進出於梁雷的音樂》,《雨霧中歸來》, 臺北:國立臺灣大學出版中心, Feb, 2017.
Yung, Bell. 荣鸿曾.《读梁雷的文字认识作曲家梁雷》. 星海音乐学院学报, 2021, no.4, 167-172.
Zalles Ballivian, Gabriel. "Six Seasons: Composition Inspired by Ocean Sounds from the Arctic." Mariam Akkermann. ed. ARRAY2023 - Flux. Computer Music in the Anthropocene. San Francisco: International Computer Music Association (ICMA, Dec 2023). p. 15-25.
Zhang, Danni 张丹妮. 硕士论文:梁雷《笔法》中的"笔墨"观念与技法研究, 华东师范大学, 2016
Zhang, Jiao 张姣. 《境》中之影--解析梁雷弦乐队作品《境》. 班丽霞主编, 借音乐提问:梁雷音乐文论与作品评析. 上海音乐学院出版社 (2017): 350-366
–––––– 硕士论文:"行走、求索、交融"--解析梁雷弦乐队作品《境》. 中国音乐学院, 2016
–––––– 博士论文:周文中、梁雷"笔墨"音乐创作研究. 中国音乐学院, 2021
–––––– : 《山水之情 笔墨之道--梁雷管弦乐作品《千山万水》"笔墨"音乐语言研究. 中国音乐, 2022, no.4, 166-176.
Zhang, Yi 张懿. 博士论文:梁雷音乐创作研究--以《幽光》和《潇湘》两首协奏曲为例. 上海音乐学院, 2020
Zhao, Chenxi 赵晨曦. 析梁雷《园之八》中的"数理"、"琴韵"、"画意"--兼论其对梁雷后续作品的影响. 星海音乐学院学报, 2016, no.12
Zheng, Yan 郑艳. 西方作曲技法与东方文化意蕴的诗性凝结--梁雷室内乐《花开的声音》音乐语言诠释分析. 中央音乐学院学报, 2016, no.4
Zhong, Chenchen 仲晨晨. 诗意的声景与自然的情怀--梁雷管弦乐作品《千山万水》音乐分析与研究. 音乐文化研究, 2021, no.3, 76-101. Read it here.
Zhou, Hanqing. Analysis of Lei Liang's My Windows. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Houston.