Our Community

In our area the Legion supports programs for;

Seniors, Community, Camp Hill veterans, Long term care facilities, Youth, Education, Sports and Cadets.

Donation to Hospital

The Branch Poppy Fund has donated funds to Dartmouth General Hospital to purchase equipment which benefits our legion community.  Another example of your Legion at work within our community. 

Annual Kids Fishing Derby

The first weekend in June (Nova Scotia Sports Fishing Weekend, no licence required) we run a Kids Fishing Derby, all funds raised goes towards the Boys and Girls Clubs in the area.

Student Bursaries

We provide Bursaries to students wishing to continue post secondary education. Contact the Branch for applications at (902) 462-2910 or pawlmacd7@gmail.com or click on the upper right corner of the document below to expand and print. 

Bursary Info Pkg 2024.docx