Project 100



The Project members have tentatively selected the following projects that they will be working on in the coming months. Painting the bingo room floor which has been done already one project completed. We are planning to wash and wax the upper games room and the Dave Cole Memorial Hall. We are hoping to commence refurbishing and reconfiguring the upper deck so our members and guests can get a better view of the lake from the upper deck. We are also going to power wash and seal both the upper and lower decks in preparation for the warm weather. We are also looking at getting a lighting system for the lower deck and ramp area which will make the emergency exit from the branch safer in an emergency, especially in the night. There are some outside repairs that we are also looking at and that is painting the concrete area under the siding after it is power washed with water sealing concrete paint. This will not only make the concrete nonporous but enhance the building’s appearance . Comrade Bill Sullivan has once again agreed to take on the task and power wash the decks and ramp and will continue to wash the windows in the branch thanks Bill.


As usual a big thanks to our workers and those who continue to assist with our finances to ensure the Project keeps going strong. Without your continued support we could not have completed all the projects and equipment purchases that we have been able to do. Again, anyone wanting to know more about the Project and what we are all about and what we do please reach out to me, and it would be my pleasure to speak with you anytime.


Respectfully Submitted

Doug Haney

Project 100 Coordinator/ Treasure


I thought it would be a good time to let our members know some of the things the

project has accomplished over the past decade. As we get prepared to start our new year in September we can look back and reflect on some of our accomplishments which have been many! There are very few areas within the branch if any that the team has not improved, replaced items, repaired items that were old and, in some cases, broken and unrepairable and had to be disposed.


The project members carried out many hours of work in the branch after the branch had a frozen pipe leak. The efforts to minimalize the damage was carried out seamlessly by our volunteers who came to the rescue in record time. Thanks to all those volunteers who answered the call to assist with the cleanup. The project members carried out many hours of work correcting the deficiencies that were noted in the fire inspection so the branch could pass the reinspection of the branch. Thanks again to the volunteers who carried out the work.


Dave Cole Memorial Hall

We have replaced the ceiling tiles, painted the walls, installed new electrical outlets and switches, replaced the countertop on the beverage station area, installed new sink and taps in the utility room, new fans in the bathrooms. Installed new toilets and taps in the washrooms, installed new baseboards, installed new stainless steel on the bar walk in cooler and painted the outside door frames, painted out the bingo room,  purchased a new refrigerator for the kitchen, purchased a new freezer, purchased new coffee makers, purchased and installed new stainless steel fire break in the kitchen purchased new roasters, and paid for the installation of the dishwasher dispenser and cleaning products.


Front Foyer


Painted the foyer, installed new ceiling tiles, donated a television, painted the steel doorframe purchased the wall heater and finally changed out some electrical switches and plugs.


Upper Area


Painted out all the walls and ceiling, Installed all new electrical switches, had new carpet installed in the inner and outer offices, Installed new window blinds, paid for the new bar including installation, installed a new floor heater in the men’s washroom, had the new toilets and taps installed in both washrooms donated $1,000.00 for the window and door replacement in the upper lounge and painted out the inner office and did some drywall repairs and paid for the carpet cleaning multiple times.


Outside Area

Stained the outside of the branch numerous times, built the lower deck and ramp, skirted the outside or the bingo room with plywood and insulation to help keep the cold wind out, had rain gutters installed, the rails and balusters on the deck replaced and stained, water sealed the upper deck  painted the parking lot lines and parking spaces, Built the smoking shelter and built a shelter cover by the shed. Donated money for the new Honors and Awards banner. Finally, we are in the process of building a new barbecue shelter to protect our barbecues from the wind and weather that routinely pounds the barbecues in the inclement weather in the fall and winter.


Non-Related maintenance and purchases


Donated funds for the mister for COVID 19,donated money for the fishing derby, hosted a no cost TGIF for the branch, did a silent auction and meal and last and most importantly did many hours of work in the branch and received total support for the financial and free labor in support of the project.


The project continues to thrive, and this is only possible through volunteer labor and financial support. As you look around the branch you can see the effort and pride in their branch that the project volunteers have willingly put forth in support of the branch and its members and guests.


This is just a snapshot of what the project members have done in support of the branch, and I am sure there are some that I have missed. Thanks once again to all project members for their unwavering support. We are aways looking for new members so now is a perfect time to join the team. Well done to all our members past and present!!!!!


Respectfully Submitted

Doug Haney

Secretary/ Treasurer

Project 100