
Hsinchu International School (HIS) is a special place with a culture that offers wonderful learning opportunities for students and educators. At HIS, we believe that to be a better learner every student must know how to learn, how to organize one’s thinking, how to use time effectively and how to set goals. The mission for our learning community is to help you become a fully independent, active learner who is curious and empowered to develop and pursue your own learning pathways.

You will use this WebQuest to gather information to answer some very important questions as you proceed on this expedition to become a skilled learner.

•How do we learn?

•What skills can help me become a better learner?

•How do we organize our learning?

•How do we organize our learning especially in Social Studies?

•What is culture?

•What is the culture of HIS?

•What are values?

•Why set goals?

•How to share one’s learning?

Now go to Task

Last Updated: May 4, 2012

Author: David Carpenter