Reading section

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2. You will have 2 of Aesop's Fables to read and have to answer 5 questions on each. You will be tested the following on Aesop's Fables for the reading part of the test;

You must know;

Who the characters are in the story

What the characters are like

What the characters do in the story

What the moral of the story is

Click here to view Aesop's Fables in preparation for the exam.

This site gives examples of reading tests for different grades. It will test your general reading and comprehension. Click here and go down to find examples of these.

Read the following fables and then answer the questions below.

A Dog, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of meat in his mouth, saw his own reflection in the water. Thinking it was another dog with a bigger piece of meat, he growled and frowned at it, wishing to have that morsel, too.

He, then, opened his mouth to get the other piece of meat, but at that moment, his own fell into the water with a splash and the stream swept it away. He thus lost both.

Questions – underline the correct answers

1) What is the title of this fable? (1 mark)

A. The Hare and the dog.

B. The Peacock and the dog.

C. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.

D. The Dog and His Reflection.

2) In this story what does the dog do? (1 mark)

A. Catch fish.

B. Spread his colourful tail.

C. Fly high above.

D. Try to get another piece of meat.

3) What does the stream do with the meat? (1 mark)

A. Sweeps it away.

B. Go for a picnic.

C. Eats it.

D. Have tea with the Dove.

4) What is the moral of the story? (1 mark)

A. Slow but steady wins the race.

B. One good turn deserves another.

C. Fine feathers don’t make fine birds.

D. Greed can make you lose everything you have.

5) In the story what does the dog have in the end? (1 mark)

A. One piece of meat.

B. Two pieces of meat.

C. No pieces of meat.

D. A piece of cake.

Read the following fables and then answer the questions below.

A Town Mouse was invited by his cousin who lived in the countryside to spend a few days in her company. They had a very modest dinner, with wheat stalks, roots, acorns, and fresh water. After the meal, the Town Mouse began to describe the throbbing and charming life of the town, with all the luxuries and delights that anyone could desire. So, the next day when the Town Mouse asked the Country Mouse to go home with her to the city, she accepted.

When they reached the Town Mouse’s home, they found the most tempting food the Country Mouse could have imagined. But, no sooner had they started to eat, than a fierce Cat attacked them. They managed to hide, but soon after, a Man with a Dog came in and they had to hide again. The scared Country Mouse decided to return home immediately.

“You may have luxuries that I have not,” she said as she hurried away,” but I prefer my plain food and simple but peaceful life.”

Questions – underline the correct answers

1) What is the title of this fable? (1 mark)

A. The Hare and the Tortoise

B. The Peacock and the Crane.

C. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

D. The Ant and the Dove

2) In this story what does the country mouse eat? (1 mark)

A. Acorns, roots and wheat stalks.

B. Apple pie.

C. Fish.

D. Thorns.

3) What does the town mouse do? (1 mark)

A. Shoot the Dove.

B. Go for a picnic.

C. Ask the country mouse to the town.

D. Have tea with the Dove.

4) What is the moral of the story? (1 mark)

A. Slow but steady wins the race.

B. One good turn deserves another.

C. Fine feathers don’t make fine birds.

D. Poverty with security is better than luxury in the midst of danger.

5) In the story what does the town mouse do? (1 mark)

A. Eat

B. Sleep

C. Sting

D. Swim

Read the following and then answer the questions below.

One hot summer's day a hungry Fox saw some clusters of ripe grapes hanging from a vine. But the vine on which the grapes hung was too high for him to reach.

Drawing back a few steps, he took a running leap at it, but he missed the bunch. Again and again he tried, but in vain. At last, he had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying, "They must be sour."

Questions – underline the correct answers

1) What is the title of this fable? (1 mark)

A. The Hare and the Tortoise

B. The Frog and the Dove.

C. The Hares and the Fox

D. The Fox and the Grapes

2) In this story what can the Ant do? (1 mark)

A. Catch fish.

B. Spread his colourful tail.

C. Fly high above.

D. Sting people.

3) What did the fox want to do? (1 mark)

A. Eat grapes.

B. Eat carrots.

C. Swim in the water.

D. Have tea with the Dove.

4) What is the moral of the story? (1 mark)

A. It is easy to despise what you cannot get.

B. Slow and steady wins the race.

C. Look before you leap.

D. Poverty with security is better than luxury in the midst of danger.

5) What did he say about the grapes? (1 mark)

A. They are sweet.

B. They are bitter.

C. They are sour.

D. They are tasty.

Reading Comprehensions - Practice your reading comprehension with a selection of tests.

Aesop's Fables - Selection of videos, stories and information about Aesop's Fables.