More From the Shore

This 20+ page Newsletter contains articles, fun facts and local items of interest - both historical and current.  Names noted in the Newsletter are indexed in every issue to assist in finding information about particular surnames.

LDGS Members receive the Newsletter twice a year.  

Past copies of the Newsletter are available for purchase and are sold in 10-issue volumes.

Books and publications can be ordered by using the PDF Order Form at the bottom of this page.  For questions, please email

More From The Shore Newsletters (10 Back Issues per Volume)


More From The Shore (Vol 1 No 1 thru Vol 5 No 2)               

More From The Shore (Vol 6 No 1 thru Vol 10 No 2)    

More From The Shore (Vol 11 No 1 thru Vol 15 No 2)      

More From The Shore (Vol 16 No 1 thru Vol 20 No 2)        

More From The Shore (Vol 21 No 1 thru Vol 25 No 2)     

More From The Shore (Vol 26 No 1 thru Vol 30 No 2)      

Single copies More From The Shore                                        


Click on arrow to download PDF of Publication Order Form

LDGS Order Form 2021.pdf