WELCA: Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world. This community of women supports the life, work, and mission of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior by coming together for study, support, and action.

ACTIVITIES--which are opened to all ladies both within the church, as well as friends and neighbors. Come join us.

Bible Studies

Mary Circle meets the second Thursday of the month usually in the church library. Check with the office for location. -- They meet at 10 am. This circle uses the ELCA women's magazine "Gather" for its study. The next series of 3 studies is about Esther. The book of Esther is one of the latest writings of the Old Testament, perhaps written to inspire Jews who had been scattered in the diaspora. The narrative takes place in the court of the King of Persia, King Ahasuerus. Some think that it was written to explain and establish the Jewish festival of Purim.

This three session-study is brought to us by Kay Ward.

June 13th: Session one: For such a time as this: Esther the queen—Voices in the king’s court

July 11th: Session two: For such a time as this: Esther saves the Jews—Finding our voices

August 8th: Session three: For such a time as this: Remembering Esther: Using our voices

Photo: Mary's Circle


Circle meetings are a great way to get know other women in an informal supportive environment. Women of our ELCA unit also join with other WELCA units in the area for "cluster events" or synodical events to learn and support mission outreach together. The WELCA groups also put on special events throughout the year to support each other in prayer, study, community awareness, health, fun, ministry, and mission.


LCOS is continually collecting the following items: pull tabs, boxtops for education, cancelled stamps, old greeting cards, clothing and food. We also gather toiletries of all sorts for with the Seafarers or CCLM. See list of needed supplies in the parish hall.

Photo: Seafarer's Boxing Picnic. 75 to 80 Care packages were made for "Christmas in July". to be given to the Lutheran Maritime Ministry.

Our "Service" group is Rebecca Circle, specializes in producing beautiful and practical quilts. These items are distributed to Central City Lutheran Mission, the Veteran's Hospital, Ronald McDonald house, and other people in need of tangible comfort in our community. Rebecca Circle meets at 9:00 am on the Third, Fourth and Fifth Thursdays of the month in the Parish Hall. No previous experience is required. Come check us out and learn a new skill.

Our First Post - Jan 26, 2014 4:15:22 PM