FeedNetBack Project

My Ph.D. has been carried out in the framework of the European project FeedNetBack and the French project CONNECT.

FeedNetback is an international research project on networked control systems that was completed on 31 Jan 2012. It was supported by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.

The objective of the FeedNetback was to generate a co-design framework, to integrate architectural constraints and performance trade-offs from control, communication, computation, complexity and energy management. FeedNetback contributed in mastering complexity, temporal and spatial uncertainties such as delays and bandwidth in communications and node availability. This approach will enable the development of more efficient, robust and affordable networked control systems that scale and adapt with changing application demands.

Final demo: Source seeking by a fleet of AUVs under communication constraints

This video describes the main objectives and results of both the CONNECT and FeedNetBack projects.