
When you link with nvcc, it does an implicit device link along with the host link. If you use the host compiler to link (like with g++), then you need to add an explicit step to do a device link with the –dlink option, e.g.

nvcc –arch=sm_35 –dc a.cu b.cu nvcc –arch=sm_35 –dlink a.o b.o –o dlink.o g++ a.o b.o dlink.o x.cpp –lcudart

There is an example of exactly this in the Using Separate Compilation chapter of the nvcc doc.

Currently we only support static libraries for relocatable device code. We’d be interested in learning how you would want to use such code in a dynamic library. Please feel free to answer in the comments.


To answer the question in the comment below " Is there any way to use nvcc to turn mylib.a into something that can be put into g++?"

Just use the library like an object, like this:

nvcc –arch=sm_35 –dlink mylib.a –o dlink.o g++ mylib.a dlink.o x.cpp –lcudart