

After getting my doctorate a lot has changed in my life. My mentality and philosophy have both come to new terms. I am more interested in improving my life style for the better than writing the next paper or finishing the next project. I do my best at work, do not get me wrong, but I have come to realize that I have sacrificed too much of my life for very little return-of-investment.

So I have come to truly value the Dalai Lama's words after he was asked what surprised him most about humanity:


Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.

Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.

And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;

the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;

he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

These words... I understood them the minute I saw them for I too am guilty of behaving the same way. Thus I have decided to live in the present, and actually live.

One quote I really like and live by is: "The past is past, the future may never come, so live the present the best you can." More or less, I am saying something along the lines of the Lama. So you must do what you can to live and make the best of your present, forgetting about the past (while I mean forgetting I do not mean overlooking lessons learnt). At the same time, remembering that the future (e.g., tomorrow) may never come, as life is very unpredictable. So it is quite possible that you may not wake up tomorrow.

Finally, I there is another quote I enjoy, and thought about it on my own:

"The journey to success requires self sacrifice, pain, and true dedication... in order to survive the ordeal, you must remain motivated. Find your motivation... for she will get you through the most difficult of times. Even if she does not know... she is your motivation."

Basically, I am saying... that in life, you must be willing to put in the time and sacrifice needed to succeed. I have come to understand this. I know that we have great potential as human beings. But we must be willing to push ourselves. However, it is easier said than done, so you must find that hunger in you, you must find your motivation.

You may have many reasons that will motivate you. Each for a different purpose, a different goal.




Research Interests

  • Embedded Systems: Embedded Software and Hardware/Software Co-Design

  • Security: Multi-level Security for Embedded Systems

  • Virtualization: Light-weight Virtualization for Mobile Devices

  • Multi and Many Core Architectures: Software and Hardware Support

  • Memory Management: Energy Efficient Memory Management Software for On-Chip, Off-Chip and Storage Class Memories

Work Experience

  • 06/2012 to present: NSF Variability Expeditions Project Scientist, UC-Irvine

  • 06/2006 to 01/2012: Summer Research Intern at Almaden Research Center (ARC), IBM, San Jose, CA

  • 09/2008 to 06/2009: Teaching Assistant – UC-Irvine

  • 06/2005 to 10/2005: Design Validation Engineer – Intel Irvine, CA

  • 06/2004 to 06/2005: Software Engineer – IBM Tucson, AZ

  • 06/2005 to 06/2012: Graduate Student – Applications and Compilers for Embedded Systems (ACES)

  • Center for Embedded Computer Systems, UC-Irvine

  • 01/2002 to 06/2005: Undergraduate Researcher – UC-Irvine

Awards and Honors


  • Best Paper IP Candidate, DATE 2012

  • Best Paper Candidate, CODES+ISSS 2011

  • 3rd Place Award for Poster Presentations – MAES 2004 International Symposium and Career Fair


  • SIGDA-DAC PhD Forum Travel Award, 2011

  • UCI President's Dissertation Year Fellowship Recipient AY 2010-2011

  • Trusted Infrastructure Workshop Scholarship Recipient 2009, 2010

  • NSF/UCI SFS Fellow, 2008-present

  • Design and Automation Conference (DAC) Young Student Award, 2005

  • CAMP/McNair Statewide Student Researcher of the Year Award, 2005

  • Eugene Cota-Robles (ECR) Fellowship Award Recipient, 2005 - 2008

  • Intel/GEM Fellowship Award Recipient, 2005

  • CAMP/Toshiba Electronics Scholarship Recipient, 2003

  • Ronald E. McNair Scholar 2002 – Present

  • CAMP Summer Scholar 2002, 2003


  • CAMP/McNair Mentor of the Year, 2004

  • ACM CADAthlon Organizing Committee Member 2012

  • TPC Memory Architecture and Organization Workshop 2012