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Ph.D. Thesis

L. Bathen, PHiLOSoftware: A Low Power, High Performance, Reliable, and SecureVirtualization Layer for On-Chip Software-Controlled Memories, University of California, Irvine - [PDF] Framework, Slides, and More

Published and Accepted Journal Articles

JP7 - Gottscho, Mark; Bathen, Luis; Dutt, Nikil D.; Nicolau, Alex; Gupta, Puneet, "ViPZonE: Power Variability-Aware Virtual Memory Management for Energy Savings", under review, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)

JP6 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, “SPMCloud: Towards Single-Chip Embedded Storage Cloud Systems,” accepted, ACM Transactions on Architectures and Compiler Optimizations (TODAES)

JP5 - Y. Wang, L. Bathen, N. Dutt, Z. Shao, A Reliability Enhanced Block Mapping Strategy for Three-dimensional (3D) NAND Flash Memory, accepted, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (TVLSI)

JP4 - L. Bathen, D. Shin, S.-S. Lim, N. Dutt, “Virtualizing On-Chip Distributed ScratchPad Memories for Low Power and Trusted Application Execution,” accepted, Special Issue: Best of ESWEEK 2011, Springer Journal of Design Automation for Embedded Systems (DAES), (Invited Paper)

JP3 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, “Embedded RAIDs-on-Chip for Bus-based Chip-Multiprocessors,” accepted, IEEE Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)

JP2 - L. Bathen et al., “MultiMaKe: Chip-Multiprocessor Memory-aware Kernel Pipelining,” accepted, IEEE Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)

JP1 - B. Gill, L.Bathen, “Optimal Multi-stream Sequential Prefetching in a Shared Cache, ”ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS), Volume 3, Issue 3 (Oct 2007) - [PDF]

Journal Articles Under Review

JR2 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, P. Gupta, A. Nicolau, "A Power Variability-aware Memory Virtualization Layer for ScratchPad Memory-based CMPs", under review, IEEE Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)

JR1 - G. Madl, S. Pasricha, Q. Zhu, L. Bathen and N. Dutt, “Combining Transaction-level Simulations and Model Checking for MPSoC Verification and Performance Evaluation”, under review (second stage), IEEE Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)

Premier Refereed Conferences and Workshops

C24 - S. Sarma, T. Mück, L. Bathen, N. Dutt, A. Nicolau, "SmartBalance: A Sensing-Driven Linux Load Balancer for Heterogeneous MPSoCs", Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2015 (Accepted)

C23 - L. Bathen, M. Gottscho, N. Dutt, P. Gupta, A. Nicolau "Variability-Aware Memory Management for Nanoscale Computing", 18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC '13), 2013, (Invited Paper)

C22 - C. Stancu, L. Bathen, N. Dutt, A. Nicolau, "AVid: Annotation Driven Video Decoding for HybridMemories", to appear, 10th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTImedia '12), 2012

C21 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, "Software Controlled Memories for Scalable Many-Core Architectures", to appear, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2012, (Invited Paper)

C20 - L. Bathen, M. Gottscho, N. Dutt, P. Gupta, A. Nicolau, “ViPZonE: OS-Level Memory Variability-Driven Physical Address Zoning for Energy Savings”, to appear, International Conference on Hardware - Software Codesign and System Synthesis, (CODES+ISSS), 2012

C19 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, "HaVOC: A Hybrid-Memory-aware Virtualization Layer for On-Chip Distributed ScratchPad and Non-Volatile Memories", 49th Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2012 - [PDF] [ACM]

C18 - Y. Wang, L. Bathen, N. Dutt, Z. Shao, “Meta-Cure: A Reliability Enhancement Strategy for Metadata in NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems”, 49th Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2012 - [ACM]

C17 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, P. Gupta, A. Nicolau, “VaMV: Variability-aware Memory Virtualization”, Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE ’12), 2012 (BEST INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION AWARD - March, 2013) - [PDF] [IEEE]

C16 - Y. Wang, L. Bathen, N. Dutt, Z. Shao, “3D-Map: A Physical-Location-Aware Block Mapping Strategy for 3D NAND Flash Memory”, Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE ’12), 2012 - [PDF] [IEEE]

C15 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, "Exploiting Unreliable Embedded Memories", International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED), 2011 (Invited Paper) - [PDF]

C14 – D. Hong, L. Bathen, S. Lim, N. Dutt, “Dynamic Memory Allocation with Selective Encryption Support for Embedded Systems”, 6th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS 2011), 2011 - [PDF]

C13 - L. Bathen, D. Shin, S-S. Lim, N. Dutt, “SPMVisor: Scratchpad Memory Virtualization for Chip-Multiprocessors”, International Conference on Hardware - Software Codesign and System Synthesis, (CODES+ISSS), 2011 (BEST PAPER CANDIDATE - October, 2011) - [PDF]

C12 - L. Bathen, S. Agarwala, D. Jadav, “iCostale: Adaptive Cost Optimization for Storage Clouds”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD ’11) - [PDF] [IEEE]

C11 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, “TrustGeM: Dynamic Trusted Environment Generation and Memory Virtualization for Chip-Multiprocessors”, Int. Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST ’11) [PDF] [IEEE]

C10 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, "E-RoC: Embedded Raid-on-Chips for Low Power Embedded Memory Systems", Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE ’11), 2011 - [PDF] [IEEE]

C9 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, "PoliMakE: A Policy Making Engine for Secure Embedded Software Execution on Chip-Multiprocessors," Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS ’10), 2010 - [PDF]

C8 - L. Bathen et al., “Inter and Intra Reuse Analysis Driven Pipelining on Chip-Multiprocessors,” 10th International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation & Test (VLSI-DAT ’10), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr 2010 - [PDF] [IEEE]

C7 – S. Agarwala, D. Jadav, R. Routray, L. Bathen, “Configuration Discovery and Monitoring Middleware for Enterprise Datacenters,” 12th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2010), April 2010

C6 - L. Bathen et al., “A Methodology for Power-aware Pipelining via High-Level Performance Model Evaluations,” 10th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV '09), Austin, TX, Dec 2009 - [PDF] [IEEE]

C5 - L. Bathen et al., “Inter-kernel Data Reuse and Pipelining on Chip-Multiprocessors for Multimedia Applications,” 6th IEEE W. on Embedded Systems for Real-time Multimedia (ESTImedia ’09), Grenoble, France, Oct 2009 - [PDF] [IEEE]

C4 - S. Agarwala, D. Jadav, R. Routray, L. Bathen, “ParaDisE: Parallel Discovery Engine for Enterprise Datacenters,” 6th International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications (ICAC 2009), Barcelona, Spain, 2009 - [PDF]

C3 - L. Bathen, S. Pasricha, N. Dutt, “A Framework for Memory-aware Multimedia Application Mapping on Chip-Multiprocessors,” 6th IEEE W. on EmbeddedSystems for Real-time Multimedia (ESTImedia ’08), Atlanta, GA, Oct 2008 - [PDF] [IEEE]

C2 - B. Gill, L.Bathen, “AMP: Adaptive Multi-stream Prefetching in a Shared Cache,” 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST'07), San Jose, CA, Feb 2007 - [PDF] [ACM]

C1 - G. Madl, S. Pasricha, Q. Zhu, L. Bathen, N. Dutt, "Formal Performance Evaluation of AMBA-based System-on-Chip Designs," 6th Annual ACM Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2006), Seoul, Korea, October 2006 - [PDF]

Poster Presentations

PO2 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, “SeReVraL: Secure and Reliable Virtualization Layer for On-Chip Distributed Memories,” ACM/SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC, June 2011

PO1 - L. Bathen, N. Dutt, “SeReVraL: Secure and Reliable Virtualization Layer for On-Chip Distributed Memories,” First CRA-W/CDC Workshop on Diversity in Design Automation and Test:Putting D(iversity) in Design Automation and Test (WD2AT), to present, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2011