
I've been recently interviewed by LogIn Project.

I've been recently invited by LógicaMX to talk about Yablo's Paradox as part of World Logic Day 2023 celebrations. Here's a link to the video.

Recent publications

Arithmetical Pluralism and the Objectivity of Syntax, Noûs, 2024, DOI: 10.1111/nous.12510, with Dan Waxman

Internalism and the Determinacy of Mathematics, Mind 132, 2023, 1028–1052, with Dan Waxman | Preprint

Higher-order Logic and Disquotational Truth, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2022, with Thomas Schindler, DOI: 10.1007/s10992-022-09654-8 | PDF

Upcoming talks

Jun 10, 2024 University of Warsaw. Talk: "Arithmetical Pluralism and the Objectivity of Syntax".

Jun 12-13, 2024 Graduate conference SNS Pisa-KCL, University of Pisa. Talk: "Topic-neutrality without semantics".