Creme Brulle Squash

I dreamt this up one night while trying to decide what to bring to Thanksgiving dinner at my friend, John's house.

1 large buttercup squash (buttercup smells funny, but tastes fine. Try four acorns or others.)
3 egg yolks
1 whole egg
1/3 cup sugar
3 cups heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla
1-2 TB soft butter

4-5 tb (1/4 cup?) brown sugar, sifted well (get out all lumps) Or maybe use regular or superfine sugar...maybe put in grinder)

Preheat oven to 375°. Cut squash in half, cut off stem, and take out seeds. Bake, (cut side up) for 30-40 minutes. (don't let get to soft).

While the squash cooks, beat sugar and eggs until smooth and it makes a ribbon. Set aside. In a saucepan, heat cream until just boiling and scalding (climbing up sides of pan).

Add a tiny bit of hot cream to egg, while whisking. Then add hot cream, slowly, while whisking constantly. Whisk in vanilla.

Take squash out and butter mim of squash, lower heat to 300°. Pour custard in squash halves. Return to oven and cook for about 40-55 minutes. When done, take out and let cool until custard sets. Sprinkle brown sugar on top and carmelize under broiler or with flame torch.