Heterodontiformes Berg 1937

Strange teeth of strange sharks. Heterodontus Blainville, 1816: the sole genus of it's order (sometimes accompanied by 1-2 extinct genera).

Rare teeth in Kyiv sands (5 complete ones and about 20 pieces were found in 5 years).

This ancient genus is still alive, but far away: it is absent in Mediterranean and all the Atlantic.

Complete lateral.


One more lateral.

It seems, more distal. And more eroded.

Heterodontus anterior.

Notice V-shaped root with through foramen and alveolate surface of the base of crown on the labial side.

Some links:

jaws on australianmuseum.net.au

face on naka.na.coocan.jp

whole on www.oceanlight.com

Morphological transition from anterior to lateral teeth from Partarrieu D., Villafaña J. A., Pinto L. et al. (2018). Neogene ‘horn sharks’ Heterodontus(Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) from the Southeastern Pacific and their paleoenvironmental significance. Ameghiniana 55: 651–667.