
Research Grants

    1. RGC-GRF (awarded by the Research Grants Council of HKSAR)

        • Title: On stationarity tests: efficiency, optimality, interpretability and generality

        • Role: Principal Investigator

        • Period: 2023--2025

    2. RGC-GRF (awarded by the Research Grants Council of HKSAR)

        • Title: General and Superoptimal Recursive Estimators of Time-average Variance.

        • Role: Principal Investigator

        • Period: 2022--2024

    3. RGC-GRF (awarded by the Research Grants Council of HKSAR)

        • Title: A General Framework: Difference-based Variance Estimators.

        • Role: Principal Investigator

        • Period: 2021--2023

    4. RGC-ECS (awarded by the Research Grants Council of HKSAR)

        • Title: Multiple Incompatibility Problems in Multiple Imputation.

        • Role: Principa Investigator

        • Period: 2020--2022

        • This grant is awarded with Early Career Award (2019).

    5. CUHK Direct Grants (awarded by CUHK Research Committee)

        • Title: Estimation of Asymptotic Covariance Matrix for Non-stationary Time Series.

        • Role: Principal Investigator

        • Period: 2018--2019

Teaching Grants

    1. Funding Scheme for Virtual Teaching and Learning (awarded by CUHK)

        • Title: Accumulation of e-resources and Acceleration of Latest Analysis Dissemination.

        • Role: Principal supervisor

        • Period: August 2021--July 2022