Charlotta Kvarnemo

Lotta Kvarnemo

Professor (P.I.)

The main focus of my research is natural and sexual selection on traits related to reproduction, mainly in animals with male care, investigated from a behavioural and evolutionary ecological perspective.

I am particularly interested in questions related to the evolution of parental care, mating systems, sperm competiton, operational sex ratio, filial cannibalism, as well as processes of local adaptation of native and invasive species.

I mainly work experimentally and theoretically, but in collaboration with others, my approaches have also included phylogenetic, genetic as well as modelling techniques. Most of my empirical work is done on fish (gobies, pipefishes and seahorses), but I have also done some work on insects (two species of Australian bushcrickets).

E-mail: lotta.kvarnemo(at)

mobile phone: +46-70-4863832 or +358-44-2103488