
10th KUTS workshop, Dresden University, 08-10 April 2019

Room WIL/C207 (Willersbau)


We have prebooked 20 rooms in the TUD guest house (Gästehaus am Weberplatz), please specify "KUTS meeting" to reserve the rooms before 15th March.

Getting there (click! :-)

Location: Room WIL/C207 (Willersbau)

Route from guest house to meeting room (big picture)

Vidyo Link: join directly here.

More information:

room no.: 1010544992

Join by phone:

DESY: +494089981350

CERN: +41227671400

BNL: +16313442616

-> room no. #

Preliminary program:

Monday 08 April, Afternoon session: (intro / EFT) 3.00pm

- Pietro: intro

- Alex: Update on the Standard Model uncertainty

- Emanuele: TBA [also on the SM part of the EFT calculation]

Tuesday 09 April, Morning session: (EFT) 9.30am

- Benjamin: The Universal One-Loop Effective Action and how to use it

- Martin: Automised EFT Higgs Masses in Non-Minimal Scalar Sectors

- Thomas K.: FlexibleEFTHiggs with 2- and 3-loop matching

Tuesday 09 April, Afternoon session: (fixed order 2-loop) 3.00pm

- Maggie: NMSSMCalc update

- Sebastian: Generic two-loop corrections to the Higgs mass

Tuesday 09 April, 19:00: workshop dinner: Freiberger Schankhaus

Wednesday 10 April Morning session: (write-up discussion and more) 9.30am

- Robert, Pietro, Sven: general status, timeline

- Sebastian, Heidi, Luminita, Maggie: fixed order

- Gabe, Emanuel: EFT

- Henning, Alex: Hybrid

- Pietro: theory uncertainties

- Mark, Thomas: codes

- all: how to go ahead / next workshop

- Georg: summary of the LC community meeting (Lausanne, 04/19)

- Ivan: Recent FeynHiggs updates (EFT part)

Wednesday 10 April afternoon session: (FH and more) 3.00pm

- Henning: Estimating the theoretical uncertainties in FH (remote)

Fotos (click!)


  1. Bagnaschi, Emanuele (PSI)

  2. Bahl, Henning (DESY - remote)

  3. Biekoetter, Thomas (IFT, Madrid)

  4. Braathen, Johannes (Osaka Univ. - remote)

  5. Gabelmann, Martin (KIT, Karlsruhe)

  6. Goodsell, Mark (LPTHE, Paris)

  7. Hahn, Thomas (MPI Munich)

  8. Heinemeyer, Sven (IFT/IFCA, CSIC)

  9. Hollik, Wolfgang (MPI Munich)

  10. Kwasnitza, Thomas (Dresden Univ.)

  11. Muehlleitner, Maggie (KIT, Karlsruhe)

  12. Passehr, Sebastian (LPTHE, Paris)

  13. Rzehak, Heidi (Odense - remote)

  14. Slavich, Pietro (LPTHE Paris)

  15. Sobolev, Ivan (DESY)

  16. Stoeckinger, Dominik (Dresden Univ.)

  17. Summ, Benjamin (Aachen Univ.)

  18. Voigt, Alex (Aachen Univ.)

  19. Weiglein, Georg (DESY)