
9th KUTS workshop, Würzburg University, 16-18 July 2018


We have pre-reserved 16 single rooms:

- 3 rooms at the Cityhotel Schönleber, Theaterstrasse 5, 97070 Würzburg

price: 71,- Euro per night + 6,90 Euro for breakfeast

Please send an email to

using the code `KUTS 18'

- 10 rooms at the Cityhotel Würzburg, Semmelstrasse 28+30, 97070 Würzburg

price: 82,- Euro per night + 7,90 Euro for breakfeast

Please send an email to

using the code `KUTS 18'

- 3 rooms at the Hotel Poppular, Textorstrasse 17, 97070 Würzburg

price: 69,- Euro per night + 9,- Euro for breakfeast

please send an email to our secretary, Mrs. Wehner,, using the code `KUTS 18'

The pre-reservation is open until 16 April 2018. After this date, the code `KUTS 18' is not valid anymore.

All three hotels are fairly close the tram/bus station `Barbarossaplatz'

from where you can take the bus 14 to come to the institute.

Getting There:

In case you stay in one of the hotels given above, the most convenient way is to take bus 14 at `Barbarossaplatz' and go to the station `Am Hubland' (this takes about 12 minutes). You should go up to the bridge which crosses the street. Our insitute is located at building 22, which is the first one on the right side after crossing the bridge.

In case that you stay in hotel close to Sanderstrasse, bus 10 starting from `Sanderring' to `Emil-Fischer-Strasse' is more convenient (takes about 16 minutes). From there he have to go back and building 22 is the last one the right side before the traffic lights. A map of the Campus including the bus stops can be found here.

In case you want to come by car: there are some parking places here but they are usually occupied after 9:00.

Vidyo Link: join directly here.

More information:

room no.: 1010544992

Join by phone:

DESY: +494089981350

CERN: +41227671400

BNL: +16313442616

-> room no. #

Photos can be found here.

Preliminary program:

Monday 16 July, Afternoon session: (intro / MSSM) 2.30pm

- Pietro: intro

- Robert: Himalaya 2.0.0

- Henning: news on the pole determination

- Sebastian Pö.: generic 2L calculations

Tuesday 17 July, Morning session: (EFT) 9.30am

- Emanuele: EFT calculations in FlexibleSUSY

- Thomas K.: 2L FlexibleEFTHiggs

- Nick: log resummation with complex parameters

Tuesday 17 July, Afternoon session: (uncertainties / BMSSM) 2.30pm

- Alex delta Mh^theo

- Thomas B.: brief munuSSM update

- Sebastian Pa.: muNMSSM Higgs masses and more

Tuesday 17 July, 19:00: workshop dinner at the Bürgerspital, Theaterstraße 19, 97070 Würzburg. Note, that everyboday has to pay by him-/herself.

Wednesday 18 July Morning session: (write-up discussion and more) 9.30am

- Robert, Pietro, Sven: general status, timeline

- Sebastian, Heidi, Luminita, Maggie: fixed order

- Gabe, Emanuel: EFT

- Henning, Alex: Hybrid

- Pietro(?): theory uncertainties

- Mark, Thomas: codes

- all: how to go ahead / next workshop


  1. Bagnaschi, Emanuele (DESY Hamburg)

    1. Bahl, Henning (MPI Munich)

  2. Biekoetter, Thomas (IFT Madrid)

  3. Braathen, Johannes (LPTHE, Paris)

  4. Domingo, Florian (IFT/CSIC, Madrid)

  5. Goodsell, Mark (LPTHE, Paris)

  6. Hahn, Thomas (MPI Munich)

  7. Harlander, Robert (RWTH Aachen)

  8. Heinemeyer, Sven (IFT/CSIC, Madrid)

  9. Hollik, Wolfgang (MPI Munich)

  10. Kwasnitza, Thomas (Dresden Univ.)

  11. Moos, Lars-Thorben (RWTH Aachen)

  12. Muhlleitner, Maggie (KIT)

  13. Murphy, Nick (CP3, Odense)

  14. Passehr, Sebastian (LPTHE, Paris)

  15. Poegel, Sebastian (Aachen Univ.)

  16. Porod, Werner (Würzburg Univ.)

  17. Rzehak, Heidi (CP3, Odense)

  18. Slavich, Pietro (LPTHE, Paris)

  19. Sobolev, Ivan (DESY Hamburg)

  20. Staub, Florian (KIT)

  21. Voigt, Alexander (Aachen Univ.)

  22. Weiglein, Georg (DESY Hamburg)