
Our group tries to make our software publicly available under the GNU license. Below is a list of our group's main software, but we have other bespoke codes used in our publications. Please email Halim if there is any particular data or software that you may need. If you do end up using our data or method, please acknowledge us and cite the relevant papers.

Free-Energy Lattice Boltzmann Method

  • This code was designed for a computing practical run by Halim at Durham University. You can see the description of the practical here, and you are welcome to try it out yourself. It is relatively straightforward to modify it for other multiphase flow and wetting simulations. References: (1) C. M. Pooley, H. Kusumaatmaja and J. M. Yeomans, Physical Review E 78, 056709 (2008); (2) H. Kusumaatmaja et al., Physical Review E 77, 067301 (2008).

  • I am also delighted that our LBM book is out. With the book, we provide some example lattice Boltzmann codes, which are downloadable from here.

  • Our group develops multicomponent lattice Boltzmann codes, where we study in particular problems in wetting phenomena. Reference: C. Semprebon, T. Krüger and H. Kusumaatmaja, Physical Review E 93, 033305 (2016). The code is not ready for public release, but write to Halim if you are genuinely interested with an explanation why you want to use the code. We use GitHub so make sure you have an account before requesting access.

  • Our group contributes to the development of OpenLB. Please see OpenLB website for details on how to download and get started.

Energy Landscapes software

  • Our group contributes to the development of the GMIN and OPTIM software, hosted by the Wales group, in particular for problems involving rigid bodies and on curved surfaces. Rigid body references: (1) H. Kusumaatmaja et al., Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8, 5159 (2012); (2) V. Ruhle, H. Kusumaatmaja et al., Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 9, 4026 (2013). Thomson-like problem (colloids on curved surfaces) references: (1) H. Kusumaatmaja and D. J. Wales, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 165502 (2013); (2) D. Mehta, J. Chen, D. Z. Chen, H. Kusumaatmaja and D. J. Wales, Physical Review Letters 117, 028301 (2016).

  • Our group also develops codes to survey free energy landscapes of continuum models (field theories). References: (1) H. Kusumaatmaja, the Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 124112 (2015); (2) H. Kusumaatmaja and A. Majumdar, Soft Matter 11, 4809 - 4817 (2015). The code is not ready for public release, but write to Halim if you are genuinely interested with an explanation why you want to use the code. We use GitHub so make sure you have an account before requesting access.