2- Papers
Here you can find some published works and some working papers
Selected Publications:
* Mazor, Gal, Dikla Perez and Ann Kronrod (2024), “That’s it! Using Containing Language to Influence Perceived Price Complexity and Offer Fairness,” Journal of Advertising Research, forthcoming.
* Kronrod Ann, Amir Grinstein, Anat Tchetchik and Vered Blass (2023). Promoting new pro-environmental behaviors: The effect of combining encouraging and discouraging messages. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 86, 1-15.
* Kronrod Ann, Ivan Gordeliy and Jeffrey K. Lee (2023). Been There, Done That: Episodic and Semantic Memory, and the Language of Authentic and Fictitious Reviews. Journal of Consumer Research, 50(2), 405–425.
Media Mentions:
As Yelp turns 20, online reviews continue to confound and confuse shoppers. The Conversation. available here).
* Kronrod, Ann (2022). "How Can Questions Encourage Financial Planning? A Good Question." (August 29, 2022). Available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4203821.
Media Mentions:
How much will you need to retire? Good question. MarketWatch (available here).
* Kronrod, Ann (2022). “Language Research in Marketing.” Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, 16(3), 308–420.
* Bertini, Marco, Julia von Schuckmann and Ann Kronrod (2022), “Talking to Your Customers About Prices,” Harvard Business Review, March 31, 2022.
Media Mentions:
Item about secretly increasing prices at Marketplace.
* Kronrod, Ann (2022). Conversational Cooperativeness Scale. Working Paper.
* Kronrod, Ann, and Joshua M. Ackerman (2021). “Under-Standing: How Embodied States Shape Inference-Making.” Acta Psychologica, 215 (April), 103276.
* Kronrod, Ann, Amir Grinstein and Kerem Shuval (2021). “Think positive! Emotional Response to Assertiveness in Positive and Negative Language Promoting Preventive Health Behaviors,” Psychology & Health, Jun 30:1-18.
* Lee, Jeffrey K. and Ann Kronrod (2020). The Strength of Weak-Tie Consensus Language. Journal of Marketing Research 57(2), 353–374.
* Kronrod Ann, Marry Hammar, JongSoo Lee, Herpreet Thind and Kelsey Mangano (2020). Linguistic Delight Promotes Eating Right: Figurative Language Increases Perceived Enjoyment and Encourages Healthier Food Choices. Health Communication, 36(14), 1898-1908.
* Joshi, Pradnya and Ann Kronrod (2020). Sounds of Green: How Brand Name Sounds Metaphorically Convey Environmental Friendliness. Journal of Advertising, 49(1), 61-77.
* Kronrod, Ann and Joel Huber (2019). Ad Wearout Wearout: How Time Can Reverse the Negative Effect of Frequent Ad Repetition on Brand Preference. International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming.
Media mentions:
Today in Digital Marketing: https://todayindigital.com/episode/how-to-help-digital-marketers-in-ukraine
* Grinstein, Amir, Henrik Hagtvedt, and Ann Kronrod (2018). Aesthetically (dis)pleasing visuals: A dual pathway to empathy and prosocial behavior. International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming.
* Kronrod, Ann, Jeffrey K. Lee and Ivan Gordeliy (2017). Detecting Fictitious Consumer Reviews: A Theory-Driven Approach Combining Automated Text Analysis and Experimental Design. Marketing Science Institute Working Papers Series, Report No. 17-124.
* Grinstein, Amir and Ann Kronrod (2016). Does Sparing the Rod Spoil the Child? How Praising, Scolding, and Assertive Tone can Encourage Pro-Social Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(3), 433-441 [Special Issue on Field Experimentation].
Media mentions:
BBC: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211209-how-to-talk-to-vaccine-hesitant-people
STAR: https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2021-12-16-how-to-talk-with-vaccine-hesitant-people/
AMA: Article Snapshots: “Praise Assertively! But you may want to scold non-assertively…”
Medical News Today: "How to convince people to wash their hands during flu season"
* Katz, David, Amir Grinstein, Ann Kronrod and Udi Nissan (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of a water conservation campaign: Combining experimental and field methods. Journal of Environmental Management, 180, 335-343.
* Kronrod, Ann and Tina Lowrey (2016). Tastlé-Nestlé,Toogle-Google: The effects of similarity to familiar brand names in brand name innovation. Journal of Business Research, 69, 1182-1189.
* Kronrod Ann (2016). Marketer-Consumer Language Cooperation in Strategic Communication. In: In: Anthony Dudo and LeeAnn Kahlor (Eds.), Strategic Communication: New Agendas in Communication, London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN-13: 978-1138184794; ISBN-10: 1138184799.
* Kronrod, Ann and Shai Danziger (2013). Wii Will Rock You!” The Use and Effect of Figurative Language in Consumer Reviews of Hedonic and Utilitarian Consumption. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(December), 726-739.
Media mentions:
TIME: How to Spot a Fake Review: 4 Clues Something's Fishy
Science Daily: Wordplay Persuades for Customer Reviews of Truffles, but Not Laundry Detergent
EurekAlert! Wordplay persuades for customer reviews of truffles, but not laundry detergent
* Xie Guang-Xin and Ann Kronrod (2013). The Devil is in the Detail: The Signaling Effect of Numerical Precision in Green Advertising. Special Issue on Green Advertising, Journal of Advertising, 41(4), 103-117.
* Caldwell-Harris, Catherine and Ann Kronrod (2013). Do More, Say Less: Expressing Positive Emotions in American and Chinese Cultures. Journal of Intercultural Pragmatics, 10(1), 41 – 69.
* Kronrod, Ann, Grinstein, Amir and Wathieu, Luc (2012). Enjoy! Hedonic Consumption and Compliance with Assertive Language. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(1), 51-61.
Media mentions:
Go ahead, tell me what to buy: Happy consumers like it (most of the time?)
Wall Street Journal: http://onespot.wsj.com/gadgets/2011/11/15/4aaee/go-ahead-tell-me-what-to-buy-happy
PsycOrg.com: http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-11-happy-consumers.html
ScienceNewsline.com: http://www.sciencenewsline.com/psychology/2011111521310055.html
EurekaAlert.com: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-11/uocp-gat111511.php
Why Some Companies Should NOT Tell Consumers What to Do
Study of the Day: Happy Shoppers Don't Mind Being Pushed Around
The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2011/12/study-of-the-day-happy-shoppers-dont-mind-being-pushed-around/249407/
* Kronrod, Ann, Grinstein, Amir and Wathieu, Luc (2012). Go Green! Should Environmental Messages Be So Assertive?, Journal of Marketing, 76(1), 95-102 .
Media mentions:
Coming On Too Strong?! Tuning Green Marketing Messaging
GreeResearch.com: http://greenresearch.com/2012/04/09/coming-on-too-strong-tuning-green-marketing-messaging/
Do Strong Words Spur Green Consumer Action?
Network for Business Sustainability: http://nbs.net/wp-content/uploads/RI-Strong-Words-Spur-Green-Consumer-Action.pdf
* Giora, Rachel, Ofer Fein, Ann Kronrod, Idit Elnatan, Noa Shuval, and Adi Zur (2004). Weapons of Mass Distraction: Optimal Innovation and Pleasure Ratings. Metaphor and Symbol, 19(2), 115-141.
* Kronrod, Ann and Angel, Orit (2001). Accessibility Theory and Referring Expressions in Newspaper Headlines. Journal of Pragmatics, 33, 683-699.
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