1- Work In Progress

I am interested in a wide range of research subjects, which can be roughly described as Pro-Social Marketing, Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior, and WOM. I investigate most of these topics from a linguistic perspective.

Here you can find some published stuff.

Below are titles of recent projects I am developing, with a brief description of what I am up to.

Current Projects:

Semantic Precision in Marketing Communication. We define Semantic precision and test its boundaries. We also identify the differences between Semantic and Numerical precision in various Marketing contexts.

The Do’s and Don’ts in Pro-Social Marketing. Well-being communication is full of advice on how we should and how we shouldn’t behave. Whereas Do’s suggest that what you are doing is right but no change is needed, Don’ts linguistically connote that what you are doing is wrong and that you had better stop doing that. Based on linguistic and education theories we suggest and demonstrate in a series of lab and field experiments that the most effective compliance gaining approach is actually combining Do with Don’t in one message, because a Don't signals that something isn't right and a Do gives you a way out.

Price as Conversation. This project investigates the role of price in the marketing process from a marketer-consumer conversation point of view. We find that although consumers see price as highly important in product consideration and decision making, marketers rarely think of price as a communication tool regarding a product.

Are you Siri-ous? Figurative Language in Use by Artificial Intelligence Agents. This project joins the discussion of the conversational abilities of AI agents, and customers’ expectations regarding the language they use. We explore customer reactions to AI chatbots using figurative language, like metaphor, rhyme, hyperbole or humor. We also test how perceptions of conversational cooperativeness can explain the non-enthusiastic responses to AI agents using figurative language.

Conversational Cooperativeness Scale. This is a scale I have validated through experiments in several domains. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first attempt to quantify expectations for conversational cooperativeness. The scale can be found here.