
Captcha Advertising

You've seen this security feature on many sites. It helps a site differentiate between a human and a bot trying to do hacking attempts on the system .It is deployed on many websites and is useful for sites or blogs where user post comments. Brands can now have a brand message and the image in the captcha. It's one of the most innovative media, and powerful as well. It ensures great engagement for the time that the site user takes to fill in the details.

Speciality of Captcha Advertising

  • Provides highly efficient recall of the brand message

  • An innovative platform to advertise

  • A variety of questions can be asked in the Captcha depending upon your brand message. E.g. write the text in quotes, write the capital letters, write the letters in particluar color etc.

  • Guarantees attention span of the customers

  • Conveys the brand message directly and clearly

  • Pay only when a person actually types the brand message

  • No wastage

  • Targeted promotion basis geography / category / demographics

  • Real time tracking of budget spent and performance

How Captcha Advertising works

Figure on the left, shows a regular Captcha, whereas figure on the right and bottom shows Advertisement Captcha showcasing brand to the user


The Department of Marketing, at The Wharton School, conducted research around captcha advertising and the top-line findings are:

  • On an average, on a relative basis, the type-ins increased brand recall by 111%

    • On an average, on a relative basis, the type-ins increased brand recall by 1200%

Our 3D and Video Based Captcha Advertising are so powerful, that they can even double this rate. Browse the links on the left to learn more.

Captcha Based Analytics

Captcha Analytics provides you with real impression of your advertisement to customers and help you judge and improve your product and offer, apart from providing brand recall. Analysis is in the domain of and is related to the product. One example is In case of analysis of Nescafe tea it ask whether tea is relaxing, whether is it refreshing as well.

For above Discount Offer from Adidas, Captcha ask customers to enter that whether they really like the offer or found it boring and thus, can make improvements accordingly. Also. it increases interest of users in the product offer and ask them to think about the offer, what they really feel about it, rather than merely typing brand keywords. Customers think about the offer and thus, might ultimately become interested in availing it.

In stark contrast to marketing of the past, today’s marketers are measured by how much revenue they bring in per dollar spent. What “sentiment analysis” does is give those marketers an alternative way to measure their effectiveness — tracking how customers feel about and how much they are talking about a brand. All that effort on branding, messages, and color schemes can finally be validated!

However, the number of positive mentions you generate is simply a step towards revenue. If more people are talking about Pepsi than Coke, but more people are buying Coke than Pepsi, there is something seriously wrong in the conversion funnel towards a purchase. To make sure you’re turning positive sentiment into revenue, you need to make sure you’re making proper use of the analysis you do.

Sentiment Analysis can be highly useful as a realtime feedback loop for advertising effectiveness and can predict advertising results.

What “sentiment analysis” does is give those marketers an alternative way to measure their effectiveness — tracking how customers feel about and how much they are talking about a brand. All that effort on branding, messages, and color schemes can finally be validated!

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Use of Special Effects to generate positive feelings towards the Advertisements and chance of Actual Sale!

As one can observe Hearts and colored particles get sparkled on the Advertisement which increases curiosity and interest of users in the Advertisement

Highly Customizable

Customization: Custom Analytic words in three different domains can be embedded in media Image or a video which users can type.