Dominik Konkolewicz

Principal Investigator

Dr Dominik Konkolewicz - Robert H and Nancy J Blayney Associate Professor

Dr Dominik Konkolewicz (Dr. K) was born and educated in Sydney, Australia. He completed his bachelors degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics at the University of Sydney in 2006. He commenced his Doctoral studies in 2007 at the University of Sydney, focusing on the synthesis and characterization of highly branched polymers by a combination of controlled radical polymerization and high yield organic reactions. After graduating with his Ph.D. in 2011, he moved to Carnegie Mellon University, to commence his postdoctoral work as a Visiting Assistant Professor/Senior Research Chemist. His postdoctoral work studied transition metal mediated controlled radical polymerization reactions utilizing photochemical methods, or in aqueous media. In 2014 he joined the Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty at Miami University, where his group develops new materials for applications ranging from new photochemical strategies, materials that can repair themselves, and bioconjugates. Recurring themes in his research are using physical chemistry principles to guide the development of new organic materials and the use of fundamental mechanistic analysis to guide the design of polymers.

Dr Konkolewicz has published over 100 peer reviewed manuscripts, with over 75 from his independent career. He his work has been cited over 7000 times. He has won numerous awards for his research including National Science Foundation CAREER award (2017), ACS Polymer Materials Science and Engineering Young Investigator (2018), the ACS Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator award (2016) and features as an emerging investigator from the journals Polymer Chemistry (2018) and Chemical Communications (2015), and a pioneering investigator from the journals Polymer Chemistry (2020). He has served as Co-Organizer (with Paula Diaconescu of UCLA) of the 2019 NSF Chemistry Early Career Faculty Workshop, and since 2019 he is the PMSE Co-Chair of the Macromolecular Alliance for Community, Resources and Outreach (MACRO) where he leads the professional development activities. Since 2021 he has been a member-at-large of PMSE. When not in the lab, he is often found on two wheels especially doing long distance rides, or out running 10ks, or cooking and baking. He especially likes vintage bicycles and sourdough bread.

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