MATLAB codes
Few of my MATLAB works shared online. I believe in OpenAcess; I share most of my works here in the column.
- Newmark time integration scheme
- Newmark's method for linear system
- Wilson theta time integration method
- Natural frequencies and buckling load of columns using FEM
- The plane stress problem
- Plate bending
- Stress recovery
- Post-processing in FEM
- Response Spectra
- Bead on a rotating hoop
- Butterfly motion
- Simple pendulum
- Monte Carlo method
- Spring pendulum
- A tour of parametric equations
- Meshing a plate using four noded elements
- Meshing thin shells using four noded elements
- Mathieu equation (Parametric oscillator)
- Find angles
- Grid generation
- Transfinite interpolation
- Stability chart
- Basins of attraction
- Nearest neighboring particle search using all particles search
- Mesh a plate with hole