
Klaus Schaeck


Klaus Schaeck is a Professor of Banking and Finance at the University of Bristol Business School, head of the banking research group at the University of Bristol Business School, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. Prior to his appointment at Bristol, Klaus was a Professor of Finance at Lancaster University and a Professor of Empirical Banking at Bangor University. Earlier in his career he also held positions at Cass (now Bayes) Business School and at the University of Southampton. 

His research interest focuses on the empirical modelling of bank behaviour. In particular, he primarily investigates the role of the government in banking systems in terms of regulation, supervision, and bank bailouts, and how such government interventions affect bank conduct. Most recently, his work focuses also on climate change, and he is is interested in particular in the role of banking supervision and regulation for the transition to the net-zero economy. 

Klaus has published in the Review of Financial Studies, and has also several papers in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, several publications in the Journal of Financial Intermediation, the Review of Finance, the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, the Journal of Corporate Finance, and other journals. His research has been presented at leading international conferences such as the American Finance Association Conference, the SFS Finance Cavalcade, the European Finance Association Conference, the Financial Intermediation Research Society Meeting, the Annual Darden International Finance Conference, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Bank Market Structure Conference, the Annual Bank Research Conference held at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Stress Testing Conference. He is also a regular contributor to FINEST, the Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies. 

He maintains strong links to central banks and international organizations. He was a frequent visitor at the International Monetary Fund, has held several visiting appointments at the Deutsche Bundesbank, and he was also a consultant in the ECB’s Financial Research Division, and for the World Bank. Earlier in his career, Klaus was awarded an ECB Lamfalussy Fellowship. The policy relevance and impact of his research is reflected in citations in the IMF's Global Financial Stability Report, the Interim Report of the Independent Commission on Banking in the UK, and the World Bank's Global Development Report. The media has also paid attention to his research. His work featured in the Financial Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Rolling Stone Magazine, Huffington Post, TV, BBC, CNBC, Forbes, Handelsblatt, Financial Times Deutschland, and other outlets. His work also featured in the Harvard Law School blog, and, most recently, his work on deposit insurance was covered in detail on Vox.com in the context of the debate surrounding the protection of depositors of Silicon Valley Bank.

Klaus' research has attracted funding from the Leverhulme Trust, the British Academy, the Europlace Institute of Finance, the CAREFIN Research Center at Bocconi University, and from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

Klaus developed the MSc Programme of the MSc Banking, Regulation, and Financial Stability at the University of Bristol, and was the programme director from its inception until September 2023. He also served as a Director of Research in the former School of Accounting and Finance prior to the formation of the University of Bristol Business School, and he now represents the finance group on the research committee of the Business School. 

At Bristol, he co-organises since 2017 with members of the banking research group the annual Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation

Together with Dennis Philip and Francesco Vallascas from Durham University, he established the annual Durham-Bristol Banking Policy Forum in 2023, which brings together policymakers and representatives from the banking industry discussing timely themes of societal relevance. 

Conferences and Workshops:

Co-organiser of the 1st EBC Network Workshop, held 9-10 May 2016 at Lancaster University. The programme programme is available here.

Member of the steering committee of the 25th edition of the International Rome Conference on Money, Banking and Finance, held 1-2 December 2016 at the University of Rome III. The programme is is available here. 

Co-organiser of the 1st Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, held on 30th May 2017 at the University of Bristol. The programme is available here.

Scientific committee member of the Deutsche Bundesbank - IWH - CEPR conference "The future of financial intermediation: Opportunities and challenges posed by regulatory reforms and new technologies". The programme is available here.

Co-organiser of the 2nd Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, held on 30th May 2018 at the University of Bristol. The programme is available here.

Co-organiser of the 3rd Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, held on 24th May 2019 at the University of Bristol. The programme is available here.

Organiser of the Annual FINEST Winter Workshop, held on 28th November 2019 at the University of Bristol. The programme is available here. 

Co-organiser of the 4th Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, held on 28th May 2021 at the University of Bristol. Information about the event is is available here.

Co-organiser of the 6th Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, held on 31stMay 2023 at the University of Bristol. Information about the event is is available here.

Co-organiser of the 7th Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, held on 31stMay 2023 at the University of Bristol. 


Contact details:

University of Bristol Business School 

15-19 Tyndalls Park Road

The Priory Road Complex

Priory Road, Clifton BS8 1TU

University of Bristol, UK

Email: klaus.schaeck@bristol.ac.uk

SSRN website: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=488077