

 Indicators of research impact (media)   

My work was cited in the Financial Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, ITV, CNBC, Forbes, The Rolling Stone, Daily Post, Handelsblatt, Financial Times Deutschland, Wirtschaftswoche, Die Welt, Hannoversche Allgemeine, The Australian, The Globe and Mail, CTV, the Harvard Law School Blog, and for studies on corporate governance, executive turnover, bank bailouts, liquidity creation, and deposit insurance.

Indicators of research impact (policy)

My research was cited in the Interim Report of the Independent Commission on Banking in the UK, the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report, and the OECD report on Competition, Concentration and Stability in the Banking Sector 2010. I was also a panelist at the G20/OECD/Reserve Bank of Australia Workshop on the New Financial Landscape, Paris. I was awarded an ECB Lamfalussy Fellowship in 2007, and held several visiting appointments at the International Monetary Fund, the Deutsche Bundesbank, and I was a consultant for the ECB Financial Research Division and for the World Bank.