Canon A590IS car camera mount

In 2008 I bought a Canon PowerShot A590IS to take along on a trip to Asia.

Apart from being a little too bulky it has since served me very well and sometimes I happen to use it to record small videos. At some point I stumbled upon a suction-style holder for gps devices. As the 'modules' seem to use 4 standard L-type mounts I thought about trying to adapt it for the camera so that I could mount it e.g. on the bonnet of a car. Just for fun .

Instead of sacrificing the one for the GPS, an alternative (Universal Car Windshield Swivel Mount for Nokia 5800) from dealextreme was bought. At $5.30, it wouldn't be a big loss when things would not turn out very well. After measuring the cameras dimensions I folded and cutted a single piece of aluminium to enclose the camera. Some leftover pieces of rubber glued to the inside guarantee that the camera is firmly stuck. Also, a hole was made to "connect" to the camera's screw mounting from below. On the pictures below, some primer has already been applied.