
Technology has changed dramatically in the last 25 years. In fact, technology is the reason why this degree exists. Most of the classes in this degree could be lumped into this theme, but I went with the classes below because, to me, they had more of a teacher and technology coordinator feel for creating, using, and managing technology in the classroom.

Technology covers such a wide gamut of ideas. This includes, but isn’t limited to, hardware (PC’s, tablets, and smartphones), software (productivity suites, apps, anything used to create digital products), networking, and even multimedia. With technology advancements happening as fast as they do, it truly is difficult to master one area of technology, let alone all areas. Being flexible, willing to learn, and admitting that you don’t know everything are key qualities to have in this field.

Program Goals met in this theme:

  1. Leaders in educational technology
  2. Current in teaching and learning processes and practices
  3. Current in research technologies and instructional programming skills
  4. Knowledgeable of emerging technologies
  5. Knowledgeable of current, technology-based educational tools and products

Program Objectives met in this theme:

  1. Understand the capabilities of the computer, its impact on education, business, industry and government; and will be able to adapt to, understand, evaluate, and make use of new and emerging innovations in computer and information technology
  2. Be proficient in the use and application of computer software
  3. Be proficient with a programming language
  4. Develop the skills needed to maintain computer programs, computer systems and networks
  5. Be aware of professional organizations in the field of computer education and technology and their impact on the field of education
  6. Be aware of current trends and issues in computer education, distance education, electronic communications, computer hardware and software
  7. Use telecommunications-based tools to integrate information into the classroom and the curriculum
  8. Manage instructional, computer technology systems
  9. Apply learning theory and the principles of instructional design in curricular and instructional decision-making
  10. Integrate computer software, authoring tools, programming languages, the Internet, and multimedia into curriculum design and instruction
  11. Demonstrate proficiency using computers and related technologies in instruction


CET 751 Computing Hardware and Networking Essentials

Course Description: A study of computer hardware and networks used in the educational setting. Topics include hardware maintenance and upgrade, network wiring, topologies, planning, installation, and maintenance of computer networks. This course requires a 5-6 day summer on-campus residency.

Reflection: I’ve enjoyed playing and tinkering with technology from my grade school days, so a good portion of this class was good review of what I already knew. I got the most out of this class from all of the discussions we had. Our class had four students, each with a specific area of expertise/preference with computing devices. This allowed for excellent discussion and debates on the pros and cons of using different devices at various educational levels.

My course artifact is a research paper on Chromebooks and their place in education. The research opened my eyes to how quickly Chromebooks have taken hold of the education sector and how much of an impact they are having in education.

Course Artifacts:

- CET 751 Research Paper

CET 725 Educational Applications for Mobile Devices

Course Description: A survey of the technology tools in the mobile learning environment access age level and content area. Questioning and sharing information and best practices on how Mobile Devices can best be applied to improve learning outcomes. Current focus will be Android and iOS based devices, with modifications implemented as needed to meet changing technology developments.

Reflection: This class was a lot of fun because of everything I created and did with my mobile devices. Previously, this class had been taught from an Apple iOS system standpoint. Now, the approach is to find an equivalent Android app for every topic we discussed in class. From evaluating apps to creating videos, I used my phone and tablet in ways that I can easily implement into my classroom. I used WeVideo to create my first artifact. My second artifact is a video I took of myself teaching a short math lesson. This is very easy to do for a flipped classroom. My final artifact is a compilation of pictures and video I took on a field trip with my 5th graders using the app Videoshow. All three of these artifacts would be easy ways for students to demonstrate their learning in authentic ways.

Course Artifacts:

- CET 725 Introduction Video - WeVideo

- Multiplying Fractions

- Living History Fair 2017 - Videoshow

CET 756 Introduction to Instructional Programming

Course Description: Computer programming to promote human/computer interaction, especially as it applies to students and education. Emphasis on applying fundamental programming concepts and proper programming techniques to instruction.

Reflection: Out of all of my classes in the MSET program, this one was probably my most frustrating class. Programming is a very precise, exact class, and having one character or space wrong can make the whole program not work. My times I had worked through my assignment and then discovered that one little mistake made my program not function correctly or at all. On the positive side, I can now work my way through the Javascript in websites and have a working knowledge of how a website page was created and what information I can access behind the scenes. My artifact for this class is a President’s matching game. I am able to use this in my 8th grade Social Studies class. Students need to match the name with the picture of the president, providing a good review of some of the more famous presidents in our nation’s history.

Course Artifacts:

- President Matching Game

LT 731 Multimedia Production

Course Description: Students learn principles of visual design, use of sound and color, and hands-on production of text and animated resources for use in educational and training materials for the development of interactive multimedia and hypermedia lessons and presentations.

Reflection: I found Multimedia Production to be quite enjoyable. Being a teacher, I like creating and coming up with new ways to teach concepts and ideas to my students. This class gave me the opportunity to design some new products for my classes. I created an organizational visual of the causes and effects of events leading to the Revolutionary War, a sound file of the Declaration of Independence using an audio editor, and a screencast about Google Classroom. I also edited some pictures showing proper pushup form and produced a video outlining proper shooting form in basketball. This class really pushed me outside my comfort zone and forced me to learn some new programs I wasn’t familiar with. I now have some quality products that can be used in my classroom.

Course Artifacts:

- Causes and Effects of Events Leading Up to the Revolutionary War (Visual)

- Declaration of Independence (Audio)

- Google Classroom (Screencast)

- Proper Pushup Form (Photo Editing)

- The Fundamentals of Shooting a Basketball (Video)