
Projects from some of my classes at Dakota State University.

LT 731 - Multimedia Production - The links below lead to my various projects. The Lucidchart, Google Photos, and Audacity projects are posted on Google Drive. The Screencastify and Movie Maker projects are both posted on YouTube.

  • Visual Production (Lucidchart) - I used Lucidchart to create my two organizational visuals. They are both topics that I cover with the students in my classroom. The first one is a flowchart that helps students determine whether an apostrophe is before or after the "s" when using possessive nouns. In my experience, students seem to have difficulty in correctly using apostrophes in possessive nouns. This chart asks students questions and leads them through options based upon their answers.

The second visual is a chart that helps students identify the main details of the events, and their effects, leading up to the Revolutionary War. Giving students the opportunity to identify the main details and write them in their own words will help them better retain the information. There are three sections. The first section is where students will match a picture with the event. The second section gives students the opportunity to fill out the main ideas about the event. The third section is where the results of the events are written down.

  • Screen Recording (Screencastify) - Screencastify works well with Chromebooks, of which my school is 1:1 in grades 3-8. I wanted to use a tool that my students would be able to use themselves with the technology available to them. To better utilize our Chromebooks, I like to use Google Classroom with my students, which helps me to easily share documents and post assignments for my students. This recording walks students through the initial set up of their Google Classroom accounts. The recording also gives students the opportunity to pause and replay a section as needed.
  • Photo-Editing (Google Photos) - Google Photos works well to quickly and easily crop a photo and adjust various settings, such as contrast and brightness, on it. These pictures demonstrate proper form for push-ups, illustrating what the up and down positions look like from both a front and side view. I teach physical education, so these will photos will work well to demonstrate proper form. The original pictures are sized at 5,344 x 3,006. After cropping the edges and adjusting the picture settings (contrast, brightness, etc.), I resized the photos down to a width of 450 pixels, which is smaller than 1/4 of the original size.
  • Video Development (Movie Maker) - I used Microsoft Movie Maker to put together my video. This was the first time I used Movie Maker, and found it to be pretty user friendly once I had used it a little bit. I produced a short video demonstrating proper shooting form for basketball. This video will be a helpful resource when teaching basketball in physical education; I will also be able to use this as a resource for the 4th-6th grade basketball team I coach at my school. I made sure to utilize multiple angles and looks to give the best view of what is being demonstrated.
  • Audio Editing (Audacity) - The final project was created used Audacity, an audio editing program. I appreciated how multiple audio files could be combined together to create one sound. In 5th grade social studies we study early American history, including the Revolutionary War period. I recorded a reading of the main sections of the Declaration of Independence and inserted some patriotic music in the background. This audio file will allow the students to listen to the Declaration of Independence being read as we discuss it in class.