Who am I

Hey folks, KingAndy here! As you may call me instead, André, your fellow gamer and 3D designing enthusiast from Portugal.

This fond project of mine has started in the Summer of 2013, after many months hooked up to Midtown Madness 2, among several other games. After stumbling across its modding scene (still pretty huge at the time, when many big names such as Dummiesboy, Jelly, Aaro4130 and The_Most_Wanted were very active), I've spent many days scrolling through the immense list of content at Midtown Madness 2 Extreme and experimenting all sorts of user-created content.

Soon enough, I desired more and ended up realizing some of the things I'd wish to play with didn't exist. "Just how hard could it be to pick a car model of a different game's mod and port it to MM2 as these guys are doing?", I've wondered - and so began my adventure that lives on to this day!

Midtown Madness 2 and its online community, between fellow modders, regular players in the Game Ranger online meetups and mere enthusiasts who paid regular visits to the MM2X forums, were a big part of my teenage/ high school days. All the knowledge developed regarding what goes under the hood of a (still fairly simple, in perspective) video-game, the fun and gratification of putting something together myself by finding my own solutions to the problems I'd encounter and then seeing it all working inside of a game, finally having it being played and enjoyed by other people, and sharing awesome moments online with people from all over the globe I perceive as friends was a priceless experience of my youth that I couldn't be more thankful for.

This corner of the Web will remain up and running for as long as it's still up to me to ensure that, as a testimony of those times and the respective legacy in form of the finished mods everyone can still download and enjoy, hopefully creating short fun experiences of your own. Moreover, whenever I feel motivated to either finish old projects or simply entertain myself working on some new content, I'll never truly retire neither from this hobby nor from Midtown Madness 2, for as long as this game can still be played and there are other people keeping it alive.

Lisboa, Portugal, André Fontes, May 18th, 2020