
 Due to COVID-19, travel plans and in-person meetings are subject to change and cancellation. :/


Yeshiva University, 4-13 September.

Princeton University, 16-19 September.

Workshop on 'Rigorous statistical mechanics and related topics', RIMS Kyoto University, November 11-14 2024.

Focused week on unbounded KK-theory, Sichuan University. Postponed 

Some past events


Gave a colloquium on 'Operator algebras and index theory in physics and elsewhere' at the Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, 10 April. Slides.

Talked about 'Spectral and topological properties of quantum walks' at the Himeji Conference on Partial Differential Equations, 4-6 March. Slides.

Talked about 'Operator algebras and index theory in quantum walks' at the online conference on  Noncommutative Geometry, Analysis on Groups, and Mathematical Physics, Ghent Analysis & PDE Center, 26-27 February. Slides.

Talked about 'Spectral properties of quantum walk unitaries' at the ANU PDE and Analysis Seminar, 14 February.


Talked about '量子ウォークへの作用素環的なアプローチ' (An operator algebraic approach to quantum walks) at: 

Talked about 'Topological stability of quantum walks and related' at the Mini-symposium on Mathematical and applicable studies of quantum walks as part of ICIAM 2023, Waseda University, 20-25 August. Slides.

Talked about 'Topological indices/phases of gapped fermionic ground states' at the Workshop on Operator Algebras, Deformation Quantization and Related Field Theories, International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and Education, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 10-14 July. Talk slides: Part I, Part II.

Organised the Japan-Netherlands joint seminar: Index Theory and Operator Algebras in Topological Physics, 1-3 March. 

iTHEMS Coffee Meeting, 'Can you hear the shape of a drum?', 17 February. Video

Talked about 'Index theory and topological phases for symmetric quantum walks' at the CREST Research Seminar, 20 January. Slides.


Gave a lecture series on 'Fermionic gapped ground states, topological phases and index theory' at the Winter School and Conference on Noncommutative Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Villa de Leyva, 5-16 December.

Visited Nagoya University, 29 August - 1 September. 

University of Wollongong Operator Algebra and Noncommutative Geometry Seminar: Split-step quantum walks, chiral unitaries and K-theory, 30 June.

Organised the Japan-Netherlands Online Seminar on Index Theory, Geometry and Physics, 1-2 February.

Talked about SPT phases of quasifree ground states and coarse geometry at the Oxford QFT Seminar, 18 January. Slides.


Talked about 'Fermionic gapped ground states and topological phases in the infinite volume limit' in the CREST Seminar, 17 December. Slides.

Attended the 65th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematics Society (online), 7-10 December. Talked about 'Locally equivalent quasifree states and the coarse index' (Operator algebras/NCG session) and 'Symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases of infinite fermion chains' (Mathematical physics session).

Tohoku Geometry Seminar: Index theory, coarse geometry and locally equivalent ground states. 5 October. Slides.

Lorentz Center online workshop: Learning from Insulators: New Trends in the Study of Conduction Properties of Metals, 9-13 August. 

Gave a talk on 'Localized/de-localized Wannier bases of aperiodic Schrödinger operators' at the ICMP Satellite Workshop: Topological Phases of Matter, Leysin, 26-28 July. Slides.

Talked about 'KK-theory and free fermionic topological phases' at the Simon's Center online workshop on C*-algebras, K-theories and Noncommutative Geometries of Correlated Condensed Matter Systems, 17-21 May. Slides. Video.

Quantum Matter Study Group Seminar: Aperiodic and amorphous topological phases, 12 May. Slides.

iTHEMS Coffee Meeting, 'Building something from nothing: a mathematical framework for aperiodic/amorphous sets', 23 April. Notes. Video.

Wollongong Operator Algebra and Noncommutative Geometry Seminar, 'Gapped ground states and symmetry protected topological phases of fermion chains', 4 February. Slides.


Wales MPPM Zoom Seminar, 'Gapped ground states and symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases of infinite fermion chains'. 8 December. Slides.

Gave a talk on 'Wannier bases and topology of aperiodic Schrödinger operators' at the workshop Rigorous statistical mechanics and related topics II, 24 November. Slides are here.

Talked about 'Symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases of infinite fermion chains' at the Tohoku-RIKEN online joint workshop, 'Math Meets Quantum Materials', 30 September. Slides are here.

Gave a talk 'Introduction to the mathematics of (aperiodic) topological materials' at the Online Applied Math Seminar, 7 July. Notes.

Gave a talk at the workshop Topological phenomena in non-Hermitian and non-equilibrium systems, Tohoku University, 24-28 February.

Talked about 'Spectral flow and topological phases' at the workshop Noncommutative Geometry, Analysis, and Topological Insulators, Universiteit Leiden, 3-4 February.

Cologne University, Theoretical Physics Seminar: Spectral flow, index theory and free-fermionic topological phases, 30 January. Slides are here.

Bonn Universität Oberseminar in Global Analysis and Operator Algebras: The Cayley transform in complex, real and graded K-theory, 28 January.

University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Mathematical Physics Seminar: The Cayley transform and K-theory, 23 January.


Attended the RIMS workshop: Rigorous Statistical Mechanics and Related Topics, 18-21 November.

Organised a workshop on topological phases, Sendai, 29 July - 2 August.

Talked about 'The Cayley transform and K-theory' at the Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Geometry seminar, University of Wollongong, 11 July.

Gave a talk on 'Groupoid cocycles and Delone dynamical systems' at the conference Groupoids, Graphs and Algebras, University of Sydney, 4 July.

Attended the conference Operator K-Theory in Geometry, Topology and Representation Theory (Gennadi Kasparov 70), Kyoto University, 10-14 June.

Gave a talk about Z_2-indices of ground states of fermionic chains at the workshop on Topological Phases of Interacting Quantum Systems. Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO), 2-7 June.

Gave an intensive course: Special Topics in Mathematical Physics II (Introduction to noncommutative index theory). Nagoya University, 20-24 May. Handwritten lecture notes by Hideki Inoue here (large file warning ~85mb).

Attended the meeting on Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter, Tokyo University, 12-15 February.


Gave a talk about 'Spectral flow in topological insulators and superconductors' at the meeting 物質のトポロジカル相の理論的研究, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University, 14 December.

Visited Nagoya University, 12-13 December.

Participated in the ESI Programme: Bivariant K-theory in Geometry and Physics. Vienna, November 2018. Gave a masterclass on 'Topological phases, index theory and Kasparov theory', 19-21 November. Also talked about 'Notes on Kitaev's Z_2 index for Majorana fermions' at the research workshop, 26-30 November. Slides for the latter are here.

Attended the Symposium on Operator algebras (作用素環論研究者シンポジウム), RIMS Kyoto, 3-5 September 2018.

Talked about 'Crystalline topological phases and equivariant K-theory' at the 65th Geometry Symposium (第65回幾何学シンポジウム), Tohoku University, 28-31 August 2018. Slides are here.

Organised a Mini-workshop on 'Progress in the mathematics of topological states of matter', Tohoku University, 13-17 August 2018.

Gave a talk on 'Topological phases, index theory and localisation of random magnetic Schrödinger operators' at the workshop on 'Spectral analysis in quantum theory', UNSW, 23-27 July 2018.

Talked about 'The cocycle K-cycle and related constructions' at the University of Wollongong Operator algebras and noncommutative geometry seminar, 19 July 2018.

Talked about 'Groupoids of aperiodic lattices, index theory and topological phases' at the 14th Korea Operator Algebra Seminar (KOAS), Busan, 20-22 June 2018.

Gave a presentation on 'Aperiodic and amorphous topological phases' at the workshop on 'Mathematical approach for topological physics', Nagoya University, 6 April 2018.

Gave a talk about 'Notes on crystallographic pairings' at the Mini-Workshop on Topological Phase and K-theory, AIMR, Tohoku University, 1-2 March 2018.

Attended the RIMS workshop on 'Mathematical study on topological phases' (トポロジカル相についての数学的研究), Kyoto University, 24-26 January 2018.

Talked about 'Topological phases and the bulk-edge correspondence of aperiodic and amorphous lattices' at the workshop on Variety and universality of the bulk-edge correspondence in topological phases, Tsukuba University, 5-8 January 2018. Slides are here.


Gave a talk on 'Index theory and topological phases of aperiodic lattices' at the Australia-China conference in noncommutative geometry and related areas at the University of Adelaide, 18-22 December 2017.

Visited Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 22 Sept - 1 October 2017.

Visited Prof. Emil Prodan at Yeshiva University, 12-25 August 2017.

Gave a talk on 'Topological phases, localisation and delocalisation of random Schrödinger operators' at the mini workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Topological Phases of Matter and Quantum Computing, Tohoku University, 25 July 2017. Slides are here.

Talked in the Tohoku University geometry seminar on 'Topological insulators and (noncommutative) differential topology', 25 April 2017.

Visited Radboud University, Nijmegen, 11-15 March 2017. Talked in the geometry seminar on 'The noncommutative topology of insulators'.

Participated in the Lorentz Center school and workshop on KK-theory, Gauge Theory and Topological Phases, 27 Feb - 10 Mar 2017. Gave an introductory lecture series on topological phases with Guo Chuan Thiang and talked about 'Index theory of aperiodic lattices and topological phases' in the workshop week.

Visited the University of Wollongong, 8-10 Feb 2017. Gave a talk on 'Groupoids of aperiodic lattices and index theory' at the operator algebra and noncommutative geometry seminar.


Attended the meeting on ‘Topological insulators and K-homology’, Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand, 3-4 November 2016. Gave a talk on 'Semifinite index theory and localisation of continuous models of topological insulators'.

Visited Leibniz Universität Hannover, 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2016. Talked in the Analysis und Theoretische Physik Oberseminar about 'Disordered magnetic Schrödinger operators, twisted crossed products and index theory'.

Attended the micro-workshop on 'Noncommutative Geometry and KK-theory for the N-body Problem', Münster Universität, 29 Aug - 2 Sept 2016. Talked about 'Continuous topological phases and index theory'.

Attended the Masterclass on ‘Sums of self-adjoint operators: Kasparov products and applications’, University of Copenhagen, 22-26 Aug 2016. Gave a talk on 'Disordered topological states and Kasparov theory'.

Visited the University of Wollongong 3-12 Aug 2016. Gave a talk on 'Semifinite index theory of twisted R^d actions' at the operator algebra seminar.

Attended the program on 'Refining C*-algebraic invariants for dynamics using KK-theory' at the MATRIX research institute, Creswick, Australia, 18-29 July 2016. Gave a talk on 'Disordered topological states and Kasparov theory'.

Visited Univerisité de Lyon, 23-25 March 2016. Talked in the mathematical physics seminar about 'Real Kasparov theory and the bulk-edge correspondence'.


Talked about 'A noncommutative approach to topological insulators' at the University of New South Wales pure mathematics seminar, 24 November 2015.

Attended the International workshop on ‘Mathematical Approach to Topological Phases in Spintronics’, Tohoku University, 5-9 October, 2015. Gave a talk (with Alan Carey) on Topological phases and Kasparov theory. Slides are here.

Attended the mini-workshop on 'Topological states and noncommutative geometry' at the Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, 23-26 March 2015. Gave a talk (with Alan Carey) on 'Noncommutative index theory and applications'.

Visited Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 15 Oct - 28 Nov 2014.


March 2023: Japan-Netherlands joint seminar - Index Theory and Operator Algebras in Topological Physics.

February 2022: Japan-Netherlands Online Seminar on Index Theory, Geometry and Physics.

September 2020: RIKEN-Tohoku Joint Workshop - Math Meets Quantum Materials.

July/August 2019: Progress in the mathematics of topological states of matter (2019).

August 2018: Progress in the mathematics of topological states of matter.

July 2013: Australian Mathematical Sciences Student Conference.