Library Rules


Some rules and regulations of the library are prepared for smooth functioning of library.

1. One book will be issued for seven days for home reading.

2. If books is not returned within seven days, fine of 1 Rs. Per day for seven days and after seven days 2 Rs. Per day will be charged.

3. Reference books and current periodicals will not be issued for home reading.

4. Books issued according to following days.

5. If books are lost or damage then either replace new book to the library or main cost of book plus 50% more amount will be charged.

6. Do not write or damage the books otherwise main cost of book plus 50% more amount will be charged.

7. Without valid identity card students will not be allowed to enter the library.

8. Two extra books issue for Girls Students.

9. When you visit to the library must enter your name and signature in visitors register.

10. Keep silence in the library.


1. Books will be issued to concern teacher only.

2. Only 5 Books issue for the one Month only.

3. On Premises 5 books issue for reading after reading same day they have to submit the issued on premises books on same day.

4. 2 Books will be issued for overnight reading.

5. Reference books will not be issued for home reading.

6. Current Issue of Periodical will not be issued at home reading.

7. Before summer vacation all issued books should be return to the library for stock verification.