Getting the news to mum

I was concerned to learn that mum had Sky News on the TV all day. News of the most depressing sort, on a half-hour loop, can't be good for anyone. I asked the carers who visit to tune the TV to UK Gold. Not to everybody's taste, I admit - but mum likes it, and to quote Douglas Adams, it's "Mostly harmless".

I don't want her to lose the news altogether though, and I can't rely on the carers to switch between channels. So I have a couple of scripts that grab a podcast from the BBC website every Monday - Friday, and play it at 7 o'clock.

The script gets the podcast. It's not one of mine; the original is available from I just tweaked it a bit, and edited the config file, so that it just points at the BBC podcast (

The Perl script plays the podcast. Well, it also plays the chimes of Big Ben before the news starts. You can download the chimes from, and then use Audacity or similar to get the number you want.

A couple of crontab entries launch the scripts:

23 18 * * 1-5 /home/guiplug/pods/

59 18 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/

Mum tells me she likes it.