Advanced Materials Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory (AMAML)


Thanks for visiting our group webpage!
We are starting a group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Georgia (UGA) (2023-) before relocating from Manufacturing Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) (2017-2023), interacting frequently with scientists and engineers from fields in Physics, Chemistry, and other Engineering disciplines (e.g., Mechanical, Aerospace, Materials, Chemical, Electrical, Sustainability, Medical). Our target is to explore polymer-based composite and polymer-nanoparticle hybrid materials through advanced manufacturing regarding their design, fabrication, characterization, and, simulation. We are interested in fundamental science and practical applications to establishing the manufacturing-structure-property-performance relationships in structural and functional systems. 

Feel free to send questions, comments, and collaboration intentions to 

We gratefully acknowledge support from the following Federal Government Funding Agencies

We gratefully acknowledge support from the following Academia & Industry & Philanthropy Partners: 

We also give many thanks to our collaborators for their support:
