Current Positions:

Ph.D. Candidate Requirements and Positions:  Students with a background in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanics, Chemical Engineering, or, Materials Science especially Polymer Science and Engineering, are strongly encouraged to contact the PI for the following openings. Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, team-oriented, and rich in hands-on experience, including but not limited to: 

Please apply to UGA first before you contact the PI (Kenan Song, Ph.D., Email: Ph.D. candidates will be provided with financial support with Research Assistantships (RAs) or Teaching Assistantships (TAs) through their graduate studies. We collaborate closely with scholars from France, Germany, Israel, Qatar, UAE, and Egypt, so visiting opportunities are available and optional. US citizens/green card holders should contact the PI before your applications to NSF GFRP, NASA NSTGRO, DOD NDSEG, DOE SCGF, and other fellowships from our supporters.  

Expected requirements to satisfy before graduation:

5 PhD and 1 Postdoc Openings at Kenan Song Group at UGA (2023-2025)

Job Postings: PhD and Postdoc Openings in Engineering Research

We are excited to announce multiple opportunities for motivated individuals to join our research team. We currently have 5 openings for PhD candidates and 1 opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher. If you are passionate about Agricultural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanics, or Materials Science, particularly Polymer Engineering, we encourage you to consider joining us.

Positions Available:


Application Process:

Interested candidates are requested to send the following documents to

We look forward to receiving your applications and considering you for these exciting research opportunities. Email the PI regarding the hiring advertisement with links if you cannot find relevant application information.

Mentoring Plan for Postdoctoral Researchers in the Kenan Song Lab

Dr. Kenan Song, an Associate Professor in Manufacturing Engineering at UGA, leads a dynamic research group focused on advanced manufacturing processes and materials, particularly in the field of polymer and nanoparticle processing for energy, health, and defense applications. This mentoring plan outlines how postdoctoral researchers (PDs) will be nurtured and developed within this vibrant research environment.

PDs will play a central role in the research projects, responsible for specific research objectives. Regular weekly meetings will be held to discuss experimental design, result interpretation, and future research directions. PDs are expected to lead research paper writing and present findings at lab meetings and national conferences. They will also have the freedom to explore their own research ideas within the project scope and supervise undergraduate and graduate students. Besides, PDs will receive training in laboratory safety and ethical practices, aligning with UGA guidelines for postdoctoral associates.

The Kenan Song Lab operates based on collaborations with a few research centers at UGA, providing access to state-of-the-art equipment and a collaborative atmosphere. PDs will benefit from a rich research environment and close interactions with faculty members with diverse expertise. Our well-equipped laboratories and shared instrumentation foster cross-disciplinary collaboration.

PDs will participate in project team meetings. Weekly virtual meetings with graduate students and senior personnel will enhance communication skills. PDs will publish research in discipline-specific journals and are encouraged to chair technical sessions at conferences.

PDs will mentor undergraduate and graduate students, participate in manuscript reviews, and engage with national professional societies focused on diverse topics, such as precision medicine, digital agriculture, and defense system design.

Upon joining the lab, PDs will create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to set actionable career goals. Dr. Song and co-mentors will provide guidance and support, helping trainees leverage local resources. Regular meetings will track progress in achieving IDP goals.

PDs interested in academic careers will allocate time for developing grant proposals. They will be encouraged to prepare at least one proposal per year, fostering skills in grant writing and securing research funding.

An annual survey will gather feedback from PDs to assess their experiences. Survey results will inform adjustments to the mentoring program, ensuring that PDs receive optimal training and support.

Overall, the Kenan Song Lab's mentoring plan is designed to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for postdoctoral researchers, empowering them to excel in their research and prepare for successful careers in academia or industry.

UGA STEM2 Lab 1230 Kenan Song Lab-I

The Song lab-I at STEMII focuses on advanced manufacturing and characterizations, including textile engineering, coating technology and 3d printing platforms

Description: Located in the STEM II that is attached to I-STEM Phase I and strategically located near other core STEM facilities, the I-STEM Phase II building is located to the northeast of Davison Life Sciences Complex, east of the Ecology Building, and south of the Computing Services/Natural History Museum Building. It is bordered on the east by East Campus Road. This building, paired with I-STEM Phase I, would optimize collaborative interactions and innovations in chemistry, engineering, and related STEM disciplines for students and researchers.  Both buildings have been master planned together to be situated above a multi-level parking deck, currently under construction. Phase II Construction was scheduled to start in December 2020.

UGA Boyd building Kenan Song Lab-II

The Song lab-II at Boyd focuses on energy management, including batteries, sensors, actuators, and soft robotics

Description: The Boyd Research and Education Center hosts Boyd Graduate Research Studies, Faculty offices, and engineering research laboratory and testing facilities, located at DW Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602.