Abstract submission


KEMS Workshop

October 23rd – 25th 2017

Jülich, Germany

Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry


Submit abstract

We welcome any submission on the topics of the KEMS workshop. Contributions must be in English and should report original work in order to describe KEMS (new) conceptions. Abstracts should be only one page, including Title, Authors and affiliation, Text, Figures, References. By submitting an abstract the submitting author gives permission to the Organizing Committee to reproduce the abstract in all materials associated with the conference.

Author preferences will be taken into account but the organizing committee reserves the right to determine the presentation type (oral or poster). For the final acceptance of an abstract it is required that at least one of the authors will register to the Conference. Template available for WORD, PDF.

All contributions will be published in a peer reviewed special edition either in an open access or non-open access journal. Submit your abstract.