

  1. Inohara, K., Matsuo, C., & Furuya, M. (2021). Compatibility between multiple-choice and Yes/No vocabulary assessments: An examination in terms of age and reading-books indices. The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Lancaster University, UK, 12-16 July 2021. [link]

  2. Inohara, K. & Utsumi, A. (2016). Computational explanation of "fiction text effectivity" for vocabulary improvement: Corpus analyses using latent semantic analysis. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Poster Session 3, 145. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

  3. Inohara, K. & Ueno, T. (2014). Contribution of sublexical information to word meaning: An objective approach using latent semantic analysis and corpus analysis on predicates. In P. Bello, M. Guarini, M. McShane, & B. Scassellati (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp.654-659). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. (Oral presentation)

  4. Jung, M., Kosaka, H., Saito DN, Ishitobi, M., Morita T, Inohara, K., Sasaki A, Asano, M., Arai, S., Masuya Y, Munesue T, Tomoda, A., Wada, Y., Sadato N, Okazawa H, Iidaka, T. (2014). Functional connectivity in default mode network predicts autism spectrum traits. The 20th annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2014年6月, Hamburg, Germany, ポスター.

  5. Arai, S., Inohara, K., Fujioka, T., Ishitobi, M., Asano, M., Kawamura, K., Jung, M., Wada, Y., Tomoda, A., Hiratani, M, Matsuura, N., & Kosaka, H. (2014). Effects of Methylphenidate on Neuropsychological Performance in Children with ADHD using the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). The 2nd Asian congress on ADHD, 2014年3月, Tokyo, Japan.

  6. Inohara, K., Fujisawa TX, Masuya Y, Asano, M., Ishitobi, M., Saito DN, Jung, M., Arai, S., Matsumura Y, Tomoda, A., Wada, Y., Kosaka, H. (2014). Relationship between gaze fixations and oxytocin levels in adults with autism spectrum disorders: an eye-tracking study. International Workshop on Molecular Functional Imaging for Brain and Gynecologic Oncology (Fukui2014: The Fifth International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging), 2014年3月, Fukui, Japan.

  7. Kosaka, H., Jung, M., Saito, D. N., Ishitobi, M., Morita, T., Inohara, K., Sasaki, A., Asano, M., Arai, S., Masuya, Y., Munesue, T., Tomoda, A., Wada, Y., Sadato, N., Okazawa, H., Iidaka, T.. Default mode network in autism spectrum disorder (1) -Differences of functional connectivities compared individuals with typical development- International Workshop on Molecular Functional Imaging for Brain and Gynecologic Oncology (Fukui2014: The Fifth International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging), 2014年3月, Fukui, Japan.

  8. Jung, M., Kosaka, H., Saito, D. N., Ishitobi, M., Morita, T., Inohara, K., Sasaki, A., Asano, M., Arai, S., Masuya, Y., Munesue, T., Tomoda, A., Wada, Y., Sadato, N., Okazawa, H., Iidaka, T. (2014). Default mode network in autism spectrum disorder (2) -Strength of functional connectivities in default mode network predicts autism spectrum traits?- International Workshop on Molecular Functional Imaging for Brain and Gynecologic Oncology (Fukui2014: The Fifth International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging), 2014年3月, Fukui, Japan.

  9. Arai, S., Matsuura, N., Inohara, K., Fujioka, T., Ishitobi, M., Asano, M., Kawamura, K., Jung, M., Wada, Y., Tomoda, A., Hiratani, M., Kosaka, H. (2014). Effects of methylphenidate in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A near-infrared spectroscopy study using CANTAB International Workshop on Molecular Functional Imaging for Brain and Gynecologic Oncology (Fukui2014: The Fifth International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging), 2014年3月, Fukui, Japan.

  10. Sasaki A, Kosaka, H., Saito DN, Inohara, K., Jung, M., Kitada R, Okazawa H, Sadato N. (2014). Neural substrates of contingency detection for self and other in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: an fMRI study. International Workshop on Molecular Functional Imaging for Brain and Gynecologic Oncology (Fukui2014: The Fifth International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging),2014年3月, Fukui, Japan.

  11. Morita T, Kosaka, H., Saito DN, Fujii T, Ishitobi, M., Munesue T, Inohara, K., Okazawa H, Kakigi R, Sadato N. (2014). Being observed do not modulate self-conscious emotion in autism spectrum disorders. International Workshop on Molecular Functional Imaging for Brain and Gynecologic Oncology (Fukui2014: The Fifth International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging),2014年3月, Fukui, Japan.

  12. Komeda, H., Kosaka, H., Saito, D. N., Inohara, K., Munesue, T., & Okazawa, H. (2012). Is it easy for autistic people to think about an autistic character’s behavior in a story? The 22nd annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Montreal, Canada. (on July 10-12th, Oral Presentation, "Child Language" session, July 12th, p54).

  13. Inohara, K. & Kusumi, T. (2011). LSA predicts the effect of habitual reading on readers' word associations. The 21st annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Hotel Aubaret (15, rue Sainte Opportune), Poitiers, France. (on July 11-13th, Oral Presentation, "Content Analysis" session, July 13th, p35).

  14. Fukuda, Y., Tsunemi, K., Kajii, N., Ide, A., Morishima, Y., & Inohara, K. (2011). Does the 2nd- vs.3rd-person perspective difference affect emotion inferences during narrative reading? The 21st annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Hotel Aubaret (15, rue Sainte Opportune), Poitiers, France. (on July 11-13th, Oral Presentation, "Emotion" session, July 13th, p36).

  15. Komeda, H., Tsunemi, K., Inohara, K., Kusumi, T., & Rapp, D. N. (2010). Predictors and consequences of empathy on narrative comprehension. Poster presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Millennium Hotel, St. Louis, USA. (on November 19th, Poster Presentation, p22).

  16. Inohara, K., Honma, R., Goto, T. & Kusumi, T. (2010). Can LSA-based models explain predictive inferences? The 20th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (on August 16th, Poster Presentation, p38).

  17. Morishima, Y., Inohara, K., Tsunemi, K.. & Fukuda, Y. (2010). Does the 1st vs. 3rd person perspective difference affect emotion inferences during narrative reading? The 20th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (on August 16th, Poster Presentation, p36).

  18. Inohara, K. & Kusumi, T. (2010).The relationship between similarities computed by LSA and several types of association, 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA. (on August 12th, Poster Presentation, p615).

  19. Inohara, K. & Kusumi, T. (2010). Relationship between computed Latent Semantic Analysis and human word association, The 8th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory, 43, poster number:55, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan, (on March 30th, Poster Presentation)

  20. Komeda, H., Tsunemi, K., Inohara, K., & Kusumi, T. (2009). Simulation in narrative comprehension: The effect of similarities and dissimilarities on personalities between readers and protagonists. The 19th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands. (on July 28th, Oral Presentation, p44).

  21. Inohara, K., Tsunemi, K., & Kusumi, T. (2009). Readers Monitor Character's Time Schedule During Narrative Comprehension: Interaction Between Goal And Time Dimensions. The 19th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands. (on July 28th, Poster Presentation, p41).