
2023. "Structural linguistic characteristics of podcasts as an emerging register of computer-mediated communication". Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC Corpora 2023). Mannheim, September 14.  (with Babayode, Aminat, Laurens Bosman, Nicole Chan, Katharina Ehret, Ivan Fong, Noelle Harris, Alissa Hewton, Danica Reid, Maite Taboada, and Rebecca Wong)

2020. "A quantitative perspective on language variation: methods, measures and causal mechanisms". Talk presented at the Colloquium of the DFG Center "Words, Bones, Genes, Tools", University of Tübingen, May 26. (online)

2019. "Variational dimensions of online comments: exploring a new register". ICLAVE 10, Leeuwarden, June 27. (with Maite Taboada)

2019. "Describing registers on the web: complexity and subjectivity in online comments and opinion articles". ACLA/CAAL , Vancouver, June 5. (with Maite Taboada)

2018 “Are online comments like conversations? A multi-dimensional exploration of online news comments“. AMPRA 4, Albany, November 2. (with Maite Taboada)

2018 “Using Universal Dependencies in cross-linguistic complexity research“. Universal Dependencies Workshop, EMNLP, Brussels, November 1. (with Aleksandrs Berdicevskis, Çağrı Çöltekin, Kilu von Prince, Daniel Ross, Bill Thompson, Chunxiao Yan, Vera Demberg, Gary Lupyan,Taraka Rama and Christian Bentz)

2018 “The complexity of parole: Kolmogorov complexity revisited“. ICL20, Cape Town, July 3. (with Benedikt Szmrecsanyi)

2017 "Measuring variation in English and beyond". Talk presented at the Linguistics Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, Canada, November 30.

2017  “FRED and FREDDIE: From research database to e-learning platform”. BICLCE 7, Vigo, September 28. (with Marten Juskan, Bernd Kortmann & Katja Roller)

2017 “Exploring English Dialects online: The FRED corpus as interactive open-access tool”. ICAME 38, Prague, May 26. (with Marten Juskan, Bernd Kortmann & Katja Roller)

2016 “From dialect corpus to interactive open-access database: FRED online”. ISLE 4, Poznań, September 19. (with Bernd Kortmann & Katja Roller)

2015 “An information-theoretic perspective on complexity variation in learner English”.  IClaVE8, Leipzig, May 27.  (with Benedikt Szmrecsanyi)

2014  “Bridging the gap: An information-theoretic approach to analyse linguistic complexity trends of morphosyntactic structures in English texts”. ISLE3, Zurich, August 26.

2014 “FRED online”. ICAME35 “Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture”, Nottingham, May 3.  (with Bernd Kortmann)

2014 “Using  information-theoretic methods to measure morph complexity.” ICAME35 “Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture”, Nottingham, May 1.

2014 “Information theory meets linguistic complexity”.  Invited Talk, keynote paper presented at a colloquium on “Cross-linguistic aspects of complexity in SLA” (convenor: Alex Housen), VUB Brussels, December 19.  (with Benedikt Szmrecsanyi)

2013 “An information-theoretic approach to assess morpheme and construction complexity in English.” Workshop on “Theoretical and Computational Morphology: New Trends and Synergies”, ICL19, Geneva, July 22.

2012 “A bottom-up approach to multilectal variation in the lexicon of written Standard English”. ICAME33 “Corpora at the centre and crossroads of English linguistics”, Leuven, May 31.  (with Tom Ruette & Benedikt Szmrecsanyi)

2011 “Genitive variation in Late Modern English: focus on weight and rhythm”. Invited talk, workshop on “Genitive variation in English”, ISLE2, Boston, June 18.  (with Christoph Wolk & Benedikt Szmrecsanyi)

2010 “Dative and genitive variability in Late Modern English”. Workshop on “Probabilistic syntax: phonetics, diachrony, and synchrony”, FRIAS , Freiburg, March 22.  (with Christoph Wolk, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi & Joan Bresnan)