
Current members

Dr. Katie O'Dwyer

Katie O'Dwyer is a lecturer and researcher at the Atlantic Technological University in Galway, Ireland. Her research focuses on better understanding host-parasite interactions and disease ecology. To answer questions on animal disease and parasite infection Katie works with a variety of systems including marine crustaceans, fish and birds.

Katie has worked with a wide range of stakeholders on research projects and science communication, including a broad geographical spread. She pursued a PhD examining trematode parasites of intertidal snails at the University of Otago in New Zealand including time spent working with researchers in Australia and the Czech Republic. Katie then moved to Canada to undertake a postdoc position examining animal stress and parasite infection at Ryerson University. 

PhD student - Signe Martin

Growing up in Tipperary, a landlocked county, and originally working in the fitness sector, I switched routes completely and decided I wanted to study Marine Biology. I completed my BSc in Freshwater and Marine Biology at GMIT Galway in 2018. My final year project investigated the effects of parasites on the haemolymph of the common prawn. During the summer, I worked at the Marine Institute on the Unlocking the Archives project, cataloguing, imaging, and ageing fish scales. This confirmed for me that I wanted to continue in the field of research. I was back in GMIT by January of 2019, this time for a PhD. When the opportunity of a Cullen PhD Fellowship came up with GMIT and the Marine Institute, on microparasites in velvet crab from Galway Bay, it seemed like the perfect follow-up to my BSc project. I will be looking for the presence of, and identifying, microparasites in velvet crab by using histology, studying their DNA, and, using next generation sequencing, to analyse the host’s bacterial community associated with the parasites, because, just like in humans, a healthy gut is important! Through this project, I aim to provide more information on the health of velvet crabs in Galway Bay, an important commercial species and human food resource, and hopefully contribute to the fishery’s sustainable management.

PhD student - Paule-Émilie Ruy

The complexity of interactions between livings beings has always fascinated me. At the age of eight I developed a very reliable mark-recapture method involving my glitter pink nail polish and the snails from my garden. Besides this relevant scientific experiment, I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Organisms and Populations from the University of Western Brittany. I completed an International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) specialising in applied marine ecology and conservation. During this rewarding period, I conducted a research project at the Marine and Freshwater Research Centre examining the effects of trematode parasites on the ecology of their marine snail hosts. After graduating, I joined the School of Journalism of Lille which allowed me to become a science journalist and write for different scientific media such as the very popular Science & Vie magazine.

Since October 2021, I pursue a Ph.D. (RISE scholarship) at the MFRC to understand the dynamics of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) in waterbirds and other wildlife populations in Ireland. I am particularly interested in molecular biology techniques to identify AIVs in sediment or faecal samples. I would also like to explore the role of small mammals as mixing vessel hosts for AIVs. 

Past members

MSc thesis student - Sewwandi Alwis

Thesis title: Investigating gastrointestinal parasite infections of common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, in relation to a range of dolphin health parameters 

MSc thesis student - Francesco Golin

Thesis title: Palaemon serratus (Pennant, 1777) and its cumbersome parasite: The impact of Bopyrus squillarum (Latreille, 1802) on the shrimp’s reproductive output and fishery 

MSc thesis student - Natassia Bacco-Mannina

Thesis title: An investigation into natural mortality of seabirds at a protected colony in Ireland 

MSc thesis student - Paule-Émilie Ruy

Thesis title: An investigation of spatial distribution trematode parasite prevalence of three intertidal snails 

BSc (Hons) thesis students

Sofia Rainey 2023 - Parasites and plastics in seabirds

Emma Stempel 2022 - Bopyrid infections in the gill chamber of the common prawn

Todd Byrne 2022 - Parasites of the small-spotted catshark

Sarah Moloney 2021 - Crustacean respiration and parasite infection

Tamara Deans 2020 - Crustacean parasites

Aaron McCann, 2019 - Aquaponics

Brian Reynolds, 2019 - Periwinkle behaviour and sunscreen

Stephen Doran, 2019 - Pike parasites and diet

Shauna Moore, 2019 - Prawn behaviour and parasitism

Maria Browne, 2019 - Geography of prawn parasites

Elaine Geaney, 2019 - Biology of prawns and their parasites

Matthew Feehily, 2018 - Liver fluke treatments in cattle

Martin McNamara, 2018 - Antimicrobial effects of holly

Eric McGrath, 2018 - Cockle parasites and pollution

Susan Murray, 2018 - Distribution of pea crabs in mussels

Amy McCollom, 2017 - Comparison of periwinkle shape across shores

Annabel White, 2017 - Air exposure and parasites of oysters

Lee Hunter, 2017 - Microplastics in oysters

Professional practice students

2023 - Clémence Hild, MSc Epidemiology, University of Montpellier - avian influenza virus

2023 - Nina Lutz-Hecker, MSc IMBRSea - avian influenza virus

2023 - Rebecca Kinsella, BSc Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology - green labs project

2022 - Sofia Rainey, BSc Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology - green labs project

2022 - Caoimhe Egan, BSc Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology - green labs project

2021 - Harry Davis, BSc Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology - seabird parasites

2021 - Karolina Jacek, BSc Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology - fish parasites

2020 - MSc IMBRSea student team - marine themed blog series

2020 - MSc IMBRSea student team - marine themed podcast series

2020 - Juliette Villechanoux, MSc IMBRSea - parasite blogpost research

2020 - Marie Defraigne, MSc IMBRSea - seabird parasites

2019 - Emily Chen MSc IMBRSea - intertidal parasites

2019 - Frederik Feldmann, MSc IMBRSea - intertidal parasites

2017 - Jamie Quirke, BSc Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology - biodiversity and diving