IMBRSea RPP 2020 - Blog Posts

Julia Valentine and Mafalda Isidro are two students on the International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea). Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation they have had to replace their planned professional practice with a remote professional practice. As part of their work they will write a range of blog articles on marine science topics. Enjoy!

Blog 7 - final in the series

How can such a beautiful creature cause so much devastation?

Biological invaders are found across a range of systems including wetlands, streams, rivers, bays, along our coasts and in our oceans. These invasive species can even be found up to thousands of feet in depth. In the 1980s, one particularly impactful invasion event involved the Indo-Pacific lionfish, which were the first truly invasive marine fish introduced in the Atlantic. It is believed that the introduction of the lionfish occurred from being deliberately released or from escaping a marine aquarium, but neither have been found as the exact culprit. You might be asking what makes a marine organism invasive? An invasive aquatic species is an organism that is found in or near water where it does not belong. When this occurs, a few things can happen: the organism may find the location to be uninhabitable and die off; the organism may be able to coexist in the location without any environmental impact; or in the case of the lionfish, the organism may excel in the new location, causing harm to the naturally existing wildlife. But just how devastating to the environment are these alien lionfish invaders?

Over the past two decades, lionfish, originally from the Indian and Western Pacific oceans, have expanded rapidly following their release in the tropical waters of the Western Atlantic and Caribbean, with the highest densities reportedly found on the coral reefs in the Bahamas. Having limited predators within these areas of the world, lionfish can flourish as effective predators themselves.

Photo by Wai Siew, Unsplash

Lionfish are unique in two ways: one, appearance - camouflage coloration, and extended fin rays giving them an appearance of seaweed or a tube-worm; two, behaviour - they have slow movements, and while stalking their prey, lionfish fan their pectoral fins which slowly herds smaller fish, cornering them for quick consumption, with both of these tactics making them a very effective predator. These creatures are also unique in that they are less likely to develop parasites within their invaded area compared to the native fish present, which may translate to higher growth rates and greater fecundity for the lionfish.

In recent studies, the native prey fish of the Atlantic seem to take no evasive action against their previously unencountered Indo-Pacific predator. Coupling this with their high consumption rate, consuming anywhere between one and ten prey items a day, the lionfish can survive well in their new environment while also causing harm. It has been observed that a single lionfish residing on a coral reef, can reduce recruitment of native reef fish by approximately 80%. Sampling lionfish stomachs has led to the discovery that lionfish consume approximately 50 different species. By preying mostly on reef fish otherwise consumed by snapper, grouper, and other commercially important species, lionfish could cause negative effects to these valuable commercial and recreational fisheries through competition for food. Additionally, lionfish put stress on coral reefs. They eat herbivores, and herbivores eat algae from the coral reefs. Can you imagine how overgrown these algal species may become if there is nothing preying on them? Unfortunately, if algal growth becomes unbalanced it can become detrimental to coral health, potentially compromising the reef itself.

To date, options to lower the threat posed by lionfish are limited. Many areas have introduced fishing derbies specifically geared to reducing the lionfish population and divers are given permission to act on the issues in any way possible. However, the manual removal of this species is a labor-intensive process and is unlikely to fully eradicate them. There have been technological innovations helping towards better catching methods but improvements are still required. Lastly, some researchers have been experimenting with the idea that native predators, like groupers and sharks, can be taught to include lionfish in their diet, which could lead to a biological control for these invaders. Although, the research to date has shown little success with this potentially ingenious idea. Consequently, the lionfish has been identified as a major threat to biodiversity in the habitats it invades. If there is not a solution soon, this predator may continue to cause significant damage to these marine ecosystems.

Photo by Lori Kunzelman, Sport Diver

What can you do to help? It is important that any marine organism (fish or other animal) obtained as a pet, is never released into the wild. The introduction of a species into an ecosystem that it is not native to could be the start of a serious issue. Additionally, scuba divers and other aquatic lovers are encouraged to get involved in removal efforts of invasive species. Always participate safely and let someone know if you have spotted an invader like the lionfish if you do not have the proper training in removing these organisms.

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Albins, M. A. (2013). Effects of Invasive Pacific Red Lionfish Pterois volitans Versus a Native Predator on Bahamian Coral-Reef Fish Communities. Biological Invasions, 15(1), 29-43.

Albins, M. A., & Hixon, M. A. (2013). Worst Case Scenario: Potential Long-Term Effects of Invasive Predatory Lionfish (Pterois volitans) on Atlantic and Caribbean Coral-Reef Communities. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 96(10-11), 1151-1157.

Spencer, E. (2017, December 15). Top 5 Myths About Lionfish. National Geographic.

Blog 6

Sunscreens: How Protecting Yourself From the Sun has Come at a Cost to the Ocean?

Summer has arrived meaning more people are going outside and UV radiation is at its maximum. Thus, it is an important time to put on some sunscreen to protect ourselves from sunburn and potential skin cancer, even though we are advised to do this all year round. However, have you ever thought about the effect that this skincare product is having on the marine environment? Multiple studies have shown that chemicals present in sunscreens have a negative effect on marine life and it has become a concern for marine ecosystem health, particularly in areas characterised by the rapid expansion of coastal and marine tourism.

Sunscreens can be defined as: ”any cosmetic product containing UV-filters in its formulation in order to protect the skin from the solar deleterious UV-light”. Some of these UV-filters, such as oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3) and octinoxate (Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate), absorb UV rays before they reach our skin. But once these enter the water they can cause harm to several organisms. Even if you do not swim after applying sunscreen, it can go down the drain when you shower or if you use an aerosol sunscreen you can, without realising, spray large amounts of product onto the sand, where it gets washed into our oceans.

When you think about the effects of sunscreen in the marine environment the first thing that comes to your mind is probably coral reefs. According to some studies the four major consequences of sunscreen toxins are: coral bleaching, DNA damage, abnormal skeleton growth (via endocrine disruption), and deformities of coral larvae. However, corals are not the only organisms being affected by these UV-filters. It has been confirmed that there are many other species being affected in different ways. Some of these include fish (decreased fertility and reproduction, female characteristics in male fish, negative evolution of fish embryos), marine mammals (chemicals accumulate in the tissue and can be transferred to their offspring with unknown effects), bivalves (defects in young), sea urchins (damage in immune and reproductive systems, deformation in juveniles), and even green algae (reduced growth and photosynthesis, accumulation and transfer of chemicals to organisms of higher trophic levels). This damage, along with harm from other stressors including ocean acidification, water pollution, rising sea temperatures, and disease, prevents marine organisms from successfully reproducing and surviving in our current marine environments.

When you put on your sunscreen and head into the ocean you can see that part of it drifts off in the currents and you may think that it is not a big deal. How could that little amount of product possibly have an effect? The problem is that it adds up! Especially in popular tourist areas this is becoming a problem. In 2017, Hawaii introduced a bill which would ban the use of all sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate (except under medical prescription). By doing so Hawaii hopes to protect and preserve the state’s tourism industry since Hawaii relies heavily on coral reefs as one of their main tourist attractions. This measure attracted attention from other regions with economies reliant on coral reefs, including Palau and the British Virgin Islands, and some of them are already taking measures to ban such products. Manufacturers argue that more evidence is needed to go ahead with a ban, however, Hawaii’s state senator clearly stated that since there are already sunscreens without those harmful UV-filters, a total ban on problematic sunscreens was justified.

However, it is not enough to only ban sunscreen in places with coral reefs. First of all, chemicals can spread to other areas since all water masses are connected by rivers and ocean currents. Secondly, corals are not the only organisms being affected. In addition, besides sunscreen there are many other factors that are affecting the health of the marine environment, for instance, plastic pollution, rise of global water temperatures, coastal runoffs and so on. It is our duty to preserve and protect the marine environment and reduce as much of the impact in the environment. But what can you do? Here are some ideas:

  • See what is inside your sunscreen products and do your own research on what sunscreens are eco-friendly. Especially avoid creams which contain oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3), octinoxate (Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate), octocrylene and 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (Enzacamene). Remember also watch for PABA and 3-benzylidene camphor if you buy sunscreen outside of the EU. You can find some examples here;
  • Choose mineral sunscreens, especially lotions containing non-nano zinc dioxide as the primary active ingredient;
  • No access to eco-friendly sunscreen? No problem just cover up! Put on clothes or use protective clothing during water-intensive activities to both increase skin protection and reduce the environmental impact;
  • Make a stand! If your government does not have any regulation on what chemicals can be used in sunscreens, write them a letter informing them about this issue;
  • And finally, share this post with your friends and family. The more people aware of the problem the better!

These tips may help you take care of the ocean while you enjoy your time outdoors, however, your health is also important and protecting your skin against UV radiation is fundamental. Next time you decide to go outside remember these tips and protect yourself.

Do you have any other ideas on how we can protect ourselves and marine life? Let us know.


Boden, A. (2019). Impacts of Cosmetic Ingredients on Larval Barnacles: A Study & Discussion of How Cosmetic Ingredients Affect Marine Life (Doctoral dissertation, Duke University).

Corinaldesi, C., Damiani, E., Marcellini, F., Falugi, C., Tiano, L., Brugè, F., & Danovaro, R. (2017). Sunscreen products impair the early developmental stages of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-12.

Karsten, U., Sawall, T., West, J., & Wiencke, C. (2000). Ultraviolet sunscreen compounds in epiphytic red algae from mangroves. Hydrobiologia, 432(1-3), 159-171.

Przeslawski, R., Benkendorff, K., & Davis, A. R. (2005). A quantitative survey of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in intertidal egg masses from temperate rocky shores. Journal of chemical ecology, 31(10), 2417-2438.

Tovar-Sánchez, A., Sánchez-Quiles, D., Basterretxea, G., Benedé, J. L., Chisvert, A., Salvador, A., ... & Blasco, J. (2013). Sunscreen products as emerging pollutants to coastal waters. PLoS One, 8(6).

Sánchez-Quiles, D., & Tovar-Sánchez, A. (2015). Are sunscreens a new environmental risk associated with coastal tourism?. Environment international, 83, 158-170.

Vesper, I. (2017) Hawaii seeks to ban ‘reef-unfriendly’ sunscreen. Nature. Accessed May 26, 2020.

Blog 5

Eutrophication Continues to Threaten The Baltic Sea

Eutrophication is the increase of organic matter, particularly algae, in a body of water. Due to the accelerated algal production in these areas, impacts such as harmful algal blooms, depleted dissolved oxygen, and loss of underwater aquatic vegetation can occur. The results of eutrophication on these bodies of water, usually leads to inefficiencies in water quality and ecosystem health. The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (EU 2008) states that “Eutrophication is a process driven by enrichment of water by nutrients, especially compounds of nitrogen and/or phosphorus, leading to: increased growth, primary production and biomass of algae; changes in the balance of organisms; and water quality degradation. The consequences of eutrophication are undesirable if they appreciably degrade ecosystem health and/or the sustainable provision of goods and service.” This complicated phenomenon is the result of both natural processes and anthropogenic activity. In the case of the Baltic Sea, eutrophication is usually considered as the outcome of anthropogenic activity, otherwise known as human activities on the environment.

The Baltic Sea is known for being one of the largest brackish water bodies on earth and contains permanent stratification among the area. The sea is characterized as brackish due to its immensely narrow connection with the North Sea and many freshwater inflows from rivers. Salinity levels range from 15-25 psu in the Kattegat Bay to 2-3 psu in the northern Bothnian Bay. For many marine organisms, there is a critical salinity limit that is between 5 and 6.5 psu, meaning that the Baltic Sea is not ideal for species enrichment. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the total nitrogen levels have increased four times and the total phosphorus levels have increased eight times. Approximately 50% of both the nitrogen and phosphorus in the Baltic Sea is coming from the freshwater rivers Neva, Narva (Lake Peipus), Vistula, Daugava, Nemunas and Odra. This nutrient enrichment is leading to large eutrophication issues and is possibly the greatest threat to the Baltic Sea ecosystem.

In the Baltic Sea’s drainage basin, there are approximately 85 million residents over the arable land. It is strongly used for agriculture based on artificial fertilizers. Because of this area being used for agriculture and livestock, large emissions of nitrogen are released into the sea stimulating eutrophication. It can lead to many undesirable changes in the surrounding waters such as intense algal growth, increased production of organic matter, increase in oxygen consumption, oxygen depletion, and death of benthic organisms (including fish die offs).

Photo by BBC, 2010

As the eutrophication problems increase, there are many concerns about harmful algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. Since the 20th century, massive blue-green algal blooming events have taken place that are mainly composed of cyanobacterial species. These species become harmful to fish and invertebrate species by damaging or clogging their gills. They also produce blooms that grow so large, they become harmful to fish and invertebrates because it depletes oxygen in the water column causing suffocation. Massive fish kills in the area are often a result of such oxygen depletion. Additionally, some algal blooms are known to be toxic to human health, and therefore people are advised to refrain from visiting the beaches of the Baltic Sea during certain times of the year where productivity is greatest. I bet you never considered that while eating shellfish, like oysters and mussels, you could be ingesting toxins making you very ill? Toxins consumed by filter feeding organisms can find their way through the food chain to humans, causing a myriad of gastrointestinal and neurological illnesses.

From the identification of these issues, the Baltic countries are looking towards mediating their eutrophication problems. In 1992, The Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (HELCOM) was developed. HELCOM is a convention that was created to protect the Baltic Sea, and which involves all the countries that border the Sea as well as the wider European community. One of the most important plans set in place was the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan in 2007, which strived to move to a “Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication. This plan addresses four main areas of priority: eutrophication, hazardous substance, biodiversity, and promotion of environmentally friendly habits. When observing specifically the approach taken by Poland, their government is promoting the reduction of nutrient loads from agriculture in Poland. Since the realization that Poland is one of the largest sources of nutrients to the Baltic Sea, they are trying to meet agreements that aim to reduce emissions of nutrients from agriculture and households. One of the main improvements Poland has made in the last 20 years, is the implementation of the Water Law Act and the Fertilizing and Fertilizer Act. In the Water Law Act, the identification of nutrient pollutants in agriculture and regulation of these pollutants are heavily observed. In the Fertilizing and Fertilizer Act, regulations on the type of fertilizers and training in the use of fertilizers help to protect the waters from nutrient pollution. Overall, in a study conducted from 2011-2015, threshold values for individual eutrophication indicators within sub-basins in the Baltic Sea were observed. Only 17 of 247 coastal sub-basins achieved good status after the introduction of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan in 2007.

Mitigation efforts have helped in limiting anthropogenic nutrient emissions into the Baltic Sea, but eutrophication is an ongoing threat to the area. The Baltic Sea experiences delays that cause the eutrophication problems to continue, but why is it taking so long to start fixing and implementing protection measures against eutrophication in this area? As explained earlier, the eutrophication problems in the Baltic Sea is flourishing and causing many negative effects within the area. This brackish body of water is being fed enormous amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus loads from agriculture efforts surrounding it. It is causing issues from harmful algal blooms, to oxygen depleted water, to sitting at a dinner table and wondering if the seafood on your plate is contaminated with toxins. With the delays in the government system, introduction of nutrients from many different sources, and help of climate change, eutrophication in the Baltic Sea may not be fixed quickly and could take several decades to correct. This area needs a change in hopes for a better future.

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Andrulewicz, E. (2017, February 27). Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea – State and effects. EduCO2cean.

Backer, H., Leppänen, J. M., Brusendorff, A. C., Forsius, K., Stankiewicz, M., Mehtonen, J., Pyhälä, M., Laamanen, M., Paulomäki, H., Vlasov, N., & Haaranen, T. (2010). HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan–A Regional Programme of Measures for The Marine Environment Based on The Ecosystem Approach. Marine pollution bulletin, 60(5), 642-649.

Bonsdorff, E., Rönnberg, C., & Aarnio, K. (2002). Some ecological properties in relation to eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. In Nutrients and Eutrophication in Estuaries and Coastal Waters (pp. 371-377). Springer, Dordrecht.

Cederwall, H., & Elmgren, R. (1990). Biological effects of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, particularly the coastal zone. Ambio. Stockholm, 19(3), 109-112.

Hallegraeff, G. M. (1993). A review of harmful algal blooms and their apparent global increase. Phycologia, 32(2), 79-99.

Varjopuro, R., Andrulewicz, E., Blenckner, T., Dolch, T., Heiskanen, A. S., Pihlajamäki, M., Brandt, U.S., Valman, M., Gee, K., Potts, T & Psuty, I. (2014). Coping with persistent environmental problems: systemic delays in reducing eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Ecology and Society, 19(4).

Blog 4

The Gulf Stream System: How it Influences the Climate and What are the Effects of Climate Change?

Did you know that ocean currents have a direct influence on the planet, regulating the weather and climate, carrying nutrients and food to organisms that live associated with the seafloor, and carrying reproductive cells to new places? The currents are generated by forces that act upon the water such as earth’s rotation, wind, temperature and salinity differences, the gravitation of the moon and coastal morphology. In the ocean, there are numerous currents that connect all the ocean basins to each other forming a worldwide circulation system. This system is called The Global Conveyor Belt or thermohaline circulation.

The thermohaline circulation is driven by density differences that depend on the temperature and salinity of the water, thus the name thermo-haline. Warm water has a lower density, therefore it is lighter, while cold water is denser and heavier. Since warm water has a lower density (lighter) it stays at the surface and cold water (denser and heavier) sinks to greater depths. The water’s density also increases with higher salt content. This means that the saltier the water the denser and heavier it is, ending up sinking to greater depths. The circulation of currents all starts with surface currents carrying warm and salty water from the equator to the north. The water cools as it moves into higher latitudes (closer to the poles), and the more it moves away from the equator, the denser/heavier it becomes and it ends up sinking to the deep ocean. An interesting fact is that the thermohaline circulation moves at a very slow speed, just a few centimetres per second, taking about 1,000 years to complete a full trip!

You are probably wondering how this all works. Let me give you a quick explanation. In the North Atlantic water sinks to the ocean bottom, due to high salinity and the low temperature of the waters (denser and heavier). Surface water moves in to replace the sinking water, hence creating a current. This deepwater moves south towards Antarctica. In the Weddell Sea the water cools and sinks again (denser and heavier). As it moves around Antarctica, two segments are formed. One of these segments moves to the Indian Ocean and the other to the Pacific Ocean. As they move northward towards the equator they warm up, becoming less dense (lighter) and rising in the water column. This process of cold water from the deep rising to the surface is called upwelling. When these currents meet land both currents turn around and eventually end up in the South Atlantic. Then, the water moves in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico where the Gulf Stream is formed and it goes northward to the North Atlantic where this cycle begins again.

Figure by Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal

Check out this video on thermohaline circulation

In the North Atlantic, the Gulf Stream makes up a large part of the thermohaline circulation and is one of the most studied ocean current systems in the world because of its significant impact on climate, especially European climate, making it warmer compared to other places at the same latitude. An example of this phenomenon could be Lisbon, Portugal and New York City. Although these two cities are at the same latitude, due to the Gulf Stream Lisbon does not face cold winters like New York City (average difference of 8ºC).

The Gulf Stream transports warm equatorial water northward into the Gulf of Mexico, and along the North America coastline, before taking an eastward shift across the Atlantic Ocean to the European coastline. From there it splits into different branches of which the North Atlantic Current is the largest and where a lot of heat is released.

As the North Atlantic current flows northward towards the Nordic seas of Scandinavia, the water becomes colder. Between Greenland, Norway, and Iceland, the combination of the colder water temperatures and relatively high salinity (due to the formation of ice that traps water and leaves salt behind in the water column) means that this colder, saltier water sinks (denser and heavier) and moves South forming the so called North Atlantic Deep Water.

Figure by Nature in Praetorius, S. K.(2018). "North Atlantic circulation slows down.":180-181.

The formation of this deep water is crucial for the functioning of the thermohaline circulation and ultimately the whole global climate, as they play an important role in storing absorbed carbon and heat from the atmosphere into the bottom layers of the ocean. However, it is known by scientists that the behaviour of the thermohaline circulation has suffered changes throughout Earth’s history, mainly due to changes in greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, that influence directly the temperature. For instance, during the warming episodes such as the Paleogene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, the polar regions were warm and there were no ice caps. Therefore, the water was not frozen into ice and so seawater salinity declined. Polar water also becomes warmer, and consequently even less dense. Conversely, the salinity of tropical water is increased by greater evaporation, and it becomes denser. The density difference between polar and tropical waters varies with the climate. Due to the current human-induced climate change, this variation is being impacted and may lead to disruption of ocean currents, with a knock-on effect on Europe’s climate.

It is predicted that climate change can shut down this system due to the Greenland ice sheets melting at an increasing rate and contributing to meltwater runoff into the North Atlantic, decreasing the salinity in the surface layer and therefore its density. The North Atlantic current would no longer be heavy enough, and so it would not sink as usual. In the worst case, that would bring the Gulf Stream to a halt. This would affect the European climate, driving more storm activity, due to changes in air pressure, as well a drop in average temperatures especially in Northern Europe. In other words, a weakening of the circulation would have an impact on the ocean current patterns, the sea level, marine ecosystems, heat distribution and ultimately the whole global climate.

The problem with future projections of the thermohaline circulation and Gulf Stream system is the lack of direct and continuous measurement from previous periods. Scientists have to rely on indirect observations and measurements for the analysis of long term development of ocean circulation. Therefore, different predictions and models on the future of the Gulf Stream system and ocean circulation have emerged. Nonetheless, most recent models predict a significant weakening (between 20 to 50%) of the North Atlantic Deep Water Formation and the Gulf Stream system in the 21st century due to climate change.

How fast, and when, we will start witnessing the consequences of this possible slowdown of the Gulf Stream remains a mystery, but one thing is clear: when the climate changes, the complex system of ocean currents and winds, which has remained fairly consistent for thousands of years, will change in ways that we do not yet understand and will have an impact on human life in unknown ways. For example, socio-economic consequences with catastrophic impacts on agriculture, wildlife, transport, energy demand and coastal infrastructure resulting in the likely loss of hundreds of millions of lives. Some ways that we can help to slow down this process is to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, embrace renewable energy and regenerate our land and forests back to sustainable levels that existed in pre-industrial times.

Do you have any other suggestions on how we can help to slow down this process? Leave them here


Anthoff, D., Estrada, F., & Tol, R. S. (2016). Shutting down the thermohaline circulation. American Economic Review, 106(5), 602-06.

Dickson, R. R., & Brown, J. (1994). The production of North Atlantic Deep Water: sources, rates, and pathways. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 99(C6), 12319-12341.

Gyory, J., Arthur J. Mariano, Edward H. Ryan. (2013). The Gulf Stream – Ocean Surface Currents. [website], (accessed 16 May 2020).

Nadeau, L. P., Ferrari, R., & Jansen, M. F. (2019). Antarctic Sea Ice Control on the Depth of North Atlantic Deep Water. Journal of Climate, 32(9), 2537-2551.

Rahmstorf, S., (2006). Thermohaline Ocean Circulation. In: Encyclopedia of Quaternary Sciences, Edited by S. A. Elias. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Rahmstorf, S. (2015). What’s going on in the North Atlantic. [website], (accessed 16 May 2020).

Schmitz, W.J. & M. S. McCartney, (1992). On the North Atlantic circulation. Rev. of Geophysics, 31, 29-50.

Blog 3

Plastics and Marine Litter in Our Oceans are a People Problem: How can you help?

The ocean is considered the largest ecosystem on Earth covering approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface. Approximately three billion people rely on marine and coastal ecosystems for their livelihoods. There are 200,000 known marine species that reside under the ocean surface, talk about biodiversity! A big problem that these vast oceans are facing is the overabundance of plastics and marine litter found in them (Wabnitz and Nichols 2010).

People produce approximately 1.3 billion tons of trash per year. To put that into perspective, that is more trash per minute than the weight of seven fully loaded Boeing 747s (Sadhguru 2019). Plastic is one type of trash that is most used in our everyday lives, from packaging to technological items, and often it is used once and then thrown away (Wabnitz and Nichols 2010). When reading that fact, think about how much of this trash ends up in our oceans? The plastics in our oceans impact organisms from the tiniest plankton to the largest of whales, where approximately 267 species have been reported to ingest or become entangled in plastic debris (Derraik 2002). Often, turtles get wrapped around fishing nets preventing them from diving to feed or surfacing to breathe (Wabnitz and Nichols 2010). Seabirds tend to mistake plastics in the ocean and on land for food. When ingested, seabirds and many other organisms do not have the capacity to digest plastics properly resulting in starvation. Although we have seen media stories of divers helping these suffering animals, it does not always end happily.

Photo taken by Chris Jordan, Ocean Portal

Plastics are a people problem with the production of plastic increasing from 0.5 to 260 million tonnes per year since 1950 (Heap 2009). You do not see dolphins drinking out of plastic water bottles or corals eating out of plastic yogurt cups, do you? So how can we now address the problem we have created? In society today, many people are set in their ways continuing habits that may or may not be beneficial to reducing the plastic problem in our oceans, but what if the option for people to use plastics were reduced or even taken away? It's advantageous for manufacturing companies, as major sources of the plastic issues in our oceans, to take a look into adopting greener habits, potentially reducing plastic material and designing products for reuse and/or end-of-life recyclability (Wabnitz and Nichols 2010). In my opinion, this is an important start to a new way of doing things. By adhering to a circular economy over a linear economy, companies are giving focus to repairing, reusing, and refurbishing materials that consumers want. With the introduction of a circular economy, attention is brought to further sustainable development and encourages environmental quality, economic prosperity, and social equity (Salvatori et al., 2019).

Until these major changes can be made, citizens should participate in making a difference in their own homes when avoiding plastic completely is not yet possible for most. One of the easiest ways is by disposing of our trash correctly. We have the ability to reduce plastics entering our oceans by recycling and reusing many products. Plastics cannot be recycled unless they are collected, sorted, and sent to a facility to be taken care of, and even then some plastic products are not suitable for recycling. For instance, cigarette butts, fishing lines, and fishing nets are common plastic containing items that are found in the ocean and pose a threat to marine life and human health. Did you know that cigarettes contain plastic? Littering of cigarette butts in marine environments not only allows plastic to be potentially ingested by organisms, but also subjects our seafood to nicotine, heavy metals, and chemicals left within that tiny piece of trash (National Geographic 2019). Those toxins do not just disappear. They eventually work their way up the food chain to humans (National Geographic 2019), so it is imperative to marine and human health to dispose of trash properly. Encourage people you know to keep streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and storm drains free of litter because our land and our ocean are closely connected.

Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash

In the end, minimizing the chances of plastics getting into our oceans in the first place is required and will improve human health and the marine ecosystems that provide us with vital resources. One way companies could improve their products is by introducing polylactic acid into their products, which is a biodegradable plastic based on cornstarch (McKenna 2015). As consumers, we ourselves can reduce or even eliminate single use plastics which is a step in the right direction. It only takes a small change by everyone to work towards improving our current plastic issue in the ocean.

What’s your way of reducing plastics? Please comment at the link below for any suggestions toward helping the environment.

Add your comments by clicking here


Derraik, J. G. (2002). The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44(9), 842-852.

Heap, B. (2009). Preface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364, 1971.

Mckenna, P. (2015, August 6). Meet the companies trying to break our plastic addiction | Greenbiz. GreenBiz.

Sadhguru, I. (2019, October 5). Recycle Reduce Reuse – How you can help the environment. Retrieved from

Salvatori, G., Holstein, F., & Böhme, K. (2019, April 15). Circular economy strategies and roadmaps in Europe: Identifying synergies and the potential for cooperation and alliance building. European Economic and Social Committee.

Wabnitz, C., & Nichols, W. J. (2010). Plastic pollution: An ocean emergency. Marine Turtle Newsletter, (129), 1.

Whitaker, H., & Whitaker, H. (2019, October 18). Cigarette butts are toxic plastic pollution. Should they be banned? National Geographic.

Blog 2

The Underwater Forests: How Kelp Forests Play an Important Role in the Ecosystem?

During one of your walks in a forest, you have probably noticed the abundance and diversity of life all around you, from animals to plants all the way to fungi. If you are a diver and had the chance to explore the magnificent underwater world you probably saw similar diversity of life underwater. In both locations you may have noticed that there are some sites more abundant in species than others. This is because there are some organisms that contribute positively to the development of the environment/ecosystem by modifying, maintaining and/or creating habitats for other species. These are called Ecosystem Engineers.

Ecosystem engineers influence directly or indirectly the availability of resources to other species by causing physical changes in the abiotic (e.g. water flow, light, nutrients) and biotic compartments (plants, animals, fungi). Some of these engineering organisms can have a great impact on the species richness and diversity of the landscape of an area.

An example of an ecosystem engineer is Kelp. Kelp refers to many, large brown seaweeds (Order Laminariales) that dominate coastal environments in temperate and subpolar latitudes around the globe. These can create dense patches on rocky reefs resembling a forest of trees underwater, consequently referred to as Kelp Forests.

You are probably wondering how do these forests act as an ecosystem engineer? Before I explain it let me familiarise you with the basic kelp structure. At the bottom of kelp, a structure, called the holdfast attaches the organism to the rock. Next, we have the stipe (stem) where leaf-like structures (blades) come off, and some species when they reach the surface, form lush canopies. Some species have structures called pneumatocysts which are air bladders that provide buoyancy to lift the blades all the way to the surface. Kelp can take a variety of different forms and sizes, some can reaching up to 30 m. Now, that you have a clear vision about kelp morphology, we can start talking about how these underwater forests contribute positively to the ecosystem.

Kelp forests create a three-dimensional habitat structure that provides an extensive ecosystem for many organisms from the seafloor to the ocean’s surface. In general, they create a living structure, provide food, and alter the water flow, nutrient and light conditions that support many fishes, invertebrates, seabirds and marine mammals. The mid-water structure and canopies provide shelter and refugia from predation for many organisms and/or early life stages of fish and invertebrate species given that this ecosystem is used as spawning and nursery grounds for many species. This means that these organisms that are less adapted to deal with predation, which are normally small and/or slow, can find a place to hide from predators among the kelp. Consequently, many fish species utilise this habitat as a feeding area, attracting even larger predatory fish, seals and otters for example.

The upper canopies have an effect on the amount of light that reaches the seafloor which can affect mainly the seaweed that lives at the sea bottom and consequently all organisms that are associated with them. Furthermore, kelp forests provide protection from coastal erosion, and serve as carbon sinks (storing carbon from the atmosphere for a long time). Since climate change will likely increase the number and intensity of extreme weather events, the protection provided by these ecosystems is key for coastal communities.

Different species of Kelps A) Macrocystis sp. B) Saccharina latissima C) Laminaria hyperborea D) Laminaria digitata. Photos (from A to D) by Sandra Lindstrom/ UBC Herbarium Algae Database; Trisha Shetty, 2018/ Alchetron; Luis Fernández García/CC BY-SA; Pierre-Louis Crouan (1798-1871) & Hippolyte-Marie Crouan (1802-1871) / Public domain.

Since kelp forests occur near the shore, they face several anthropogenic impacts, such as decreased water quality, pollution, climate change, the introduction of non-native species, harvesting and overfishing. These impacts can have a serious effect on the associated organisms by decreasing their abundance and possibly disrupting the equilibrium of the ecosystem. This is why protecting and properly managing coastal areas (e.g. Marine Protected Areas, management of waste discharge and runoff) is fundamental to ensure that diverse and productive kelp forests persist.

By conserving kelp forests, or in general ecosystem engineers, the protection is extended to the overall diversity of a landscape. The biodiversity of an area is often enhanced by ecosystem engineers, which can increase the resilience of the system against major disturbances. So, as long as kelp forests survive and thrive there is no doubt that diverse and charming communities sustained in this ecosystem will continue.


Hondolero, D., & Edwards, M. S. (2017). Changes in ecosystem engineers: the effects of kelp forest type on currents and benthic assemblages in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Marine Biology, 164(4), 81.

Jones, C. G., Lawton, J. H., & Shachak, M. (1994). Organisms as ecosystem engineers. In Ecosystem management (pp. 130-147). Springer, New York, NY.

Layton, C., Shelamoff, V., Cameron, M. J., Tatsumi, M., Wright, J. T., & Johnson, C. R. (2019). Resilience and stability of kelp forests: The importance of patch dynamics and environment-engineer feedbacks. PloS one, 14(1).

Schiel, D. R., & Foster, M. S. (2015). The biology and ecology of giant kelp forests. Univ of California Press.

Smale, D. A., Burrows, M. T., Moore, P., O'Connor, N., & Hawkins, S. J. (2013). Threats and knowledge gaps for ecosystem services provided by kelp forests: a northeast A Atlantic perspective. Ecology and Evolution, 3(11), 4016-4038.

Teagle, H., Hawkins, S. J., Moore, P. J., & Smale, D. A. (2017). The role of kelp species as biogenic habitat formers in coastal marine ecosystems. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 492, 81-98.

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Blog 1

COVID-19: How Marine Science is Suffering from the Current Pandemic

The year 2020 was defined by many as the “Year of the Ocean” due to the many events and conventions that were scheduled to happen. Conservationists and the general public were hoping for this unique opportunity to negotiate climate change, biodiversity and the global ocean and perhaps develop a plan that would perform for people and nature together.

Furthermore, the United Nations had defined the period of 2021-2030 as the decade of studies and insights into marine science. The Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development “was proclaimed to support efforts to reverse the decline in ocean health and gather ocean stakeholders worldwide behind a common framework that will ensure ocean science can fully support countries in creating improved conditions for sustainable development of the ocean”.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have changed the priority of this year. Several of these events were cancelled and/or delayed as well as many research projects were postponed. We took the time to talk to some of our colleagues to get a better understanding of the impacts COVID-19 might have on marine science. We wanted to illustrate exactly what was happening to a few individuals who work daily on marine science-related topics. Many of them expressed how difficult it has been to move forward with their research projects while studying in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

(C) Mafalda Isidro

One of the individuals interviewed, Maria Korzeniewskaa, is currently studying at the University of Algarve in Portugal. In the interview, she explained the aim of her thesis where she is evaluating the feasibility of using different fish explants (scales, gill rakers, gill filaments) for in vitro screening for environmental toxicants of anthropogenic origin such as Estradiol (E2), Fluoxetine (FLX) and Genistein (Gen), which are all considered endocrine disruptors. Since they occur in aquatic environments at very low concentrations it is necessary for her to use the juvenile stage of sea bass because they are more sensitive to the toxicants. Being a scientist and working on this particular master thesis during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to much greater problems for Maria other than, for example, not being able to eat at her favorite restaurant. She described in the interview, “the fish I was supposed to start working on in March were the “leftovers” from the previous project conducted by my supervisor. My main concern is that due to the closure of the University and postponed start of my project, the fish will be entering the mature stage of their life, causing me to have to redesign the project because mature sea bass are less sensitive to the toxicants used.”

In another marine science project, Stéphanie Roy, an IMBRSea student, is currently conducting her master thesis at Ghent University with her study site based in Argentina. Her project consists of studying the food web structure of benthic communities in the kelp forest and use of biomarkers, fatty acids, as a tool to identify potential trophic links in the food web. During our discussion, she explained that her project had to be postponed because her samples cannot be processed. Stéphanie also explained how the travel restrictions are currently affecting other projects that her supervisor is developing in South America since the research sites are physically in South America, but the samples are being analysed in Europe. She states that “because they are biological material, it is better if they are carried by someone because, in the post, they may be damaged or get lost”. During our exchange she demonstrated her concern for future experiments and said “in the future with COVID-19, it might be more difficult to carry out some international research, especially when samples have to be transported by scientists from one continent to the other”.

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

In addition to specific marine science projects, the ongoing situation is affecting the planned work experience and career progression of marine science students. We heard from Pol Sorigué and Erin Bowman, two first-year IMBRSea students, who are experiencing interruptions to their plans, as are many others, further highlighting some of the wide-ranging impacts of COVID-19 within marine science.

As marine scientists, it is apparent that at times we face much greater obstacles while being quarantined than what meets the eye. Marine science is a field of work that requires the completion of lab work, field work, collaboration, and often a lot of travel by scientists. When situations like the COVID-19 pandemic occur, there are impacts on marine science projects that might have long-term effects on our knowledge of biodiversity, management and overall health of the marine ecosystem. These effects can be detrimental because it lessens our ability to study what we urgently need to know about marine science and its importance to our environment.

How has the current pandemic been affecting your work as a marine scientist/student? Tell us in the comments!

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